In order to HIDE the icon names on the home page . . . I did this successfuly myself by SSH into the iPhone and mounting on my MAC desktop using SHFS.
In your iPhone go to / System / Library / core services / Springboard and control + click the SPRINGBOARD ICON.
Inside there is an "Englishl.proj" directory and inside there is a file called "localized strings.plist" . . . or something like that.
The file consists of all the iPhone native applications and their display names in a long list and reads like this . . .
<key> The Application </key>
<string>!!!The icon name is HERE!!!</string>
--> You want to REMOVE what's between the <string></string> tags.
Make a duplicate of the original "localized strings" file first in case you want to revert to the original or you make a mistake.
Then remove all the APP NAMES between the <string></string> tags.
So that it looks like this . . . .
When you reboot your iPhone,
the icon names will not show up!! -->> YAY!
OK there's just one problem . . . . once i did that , and ALL <string></string> were empty, I notices that the SLIDESHOW Camera + Photos icons STILL HAD NAMES.
I double checked and MADE SURE I removed what's between the <string></string> tags, but these icon names MUST exists elswhere on the iPhone. I have not found them yet.
I've not done that myself, but I'm pretty sure it will work.