Hi everyone--definitely need the advice of those of you who do some dumpster diving within programs for this.
The newest versions of Skype don't seem to let you change your ringtone. The older ones always did, which I took advantage of since the loud, obnoxious song the program plays gets on my nerves. I have to press the mute button when dialing and then quickly press it again to unmute as soon as someone picks up; I also keep the computer on mute when expecting calls.
I'd like to change it to something much more palatable, rather than the nails-on-the-chalkboard song that plays every time by default. I'm sure there's a file somewhere within the package that would do this, right? I remember being able to use ResEdit on old-school programs and know things can be swapped in other ways today, but does anyone know where Skype hides this so I can swap it out and stop pressing the mute button all the time?
The newest versions of Skype don't seem to let you change your ringtone. The older ones always did, which I took advantage of since the loud, obnoxious song the program plays gets on my nerves. I have to press the mute button when dialing and then quickly press it again to unmute as soon as someone picks up; I also keep the computer on mute when expecting calls.
I'd like to change it to something much more palatable, rather than the nails-on-the-chalkboard song that plays every time by default. I'm sure there's a file somewhere within the package that would do this, right? I remember being able to use ResEdit on old-school programs and know things can be swapped in other ways today, but does anyone know where Skype hides this so I can swap it out and stop pressing the mute button all the time?