My wife and I both have iPhones with iCloud accounts. We have separate Home calendars for random stuff not necessarily of interest to the other person, and my wife has a Work calendar that's shared with me. However, when the need arises for me to invite her to an event on my non-shared Home calendar, when she presses Accept it doesn't add it to her own Home calendar, it adds it to her Work calendar, which is shared with me and causes a duplicate entry to show up on my iPhone.
Is there a way to change the calendar that accepted events go into? If possible, when she presses Accept I'd like the event to show up on her Home calendar, not her Work calendar. Note for reference that I do have the Home calendar set as the default in the preferences.
Is there a way to change the calendar that accepted events go into? If possible, when she presses Accept I'd like the event to show up on her Home calendar, not her Work calendar. Note for reference that I do have the Home calendar set as the default in the preferences.