I would like to make my dock transparent or atleast change it with a custom one. I would also like to change my wallpaper on my home screen. I know I can do it through various applications like winterboard. What I was wondering is if there is another way to do that via SSHing into my phone and changing some files?
The reason being is I want a little customization, but without the "Winterboard Slowdown" effect that people have been complaining about. When I first jailbroke my phone I too noticed the slowdown and I am trying to avoid it all together this time around.
Thanks for the help in advance.
The reason being is I want a little customization, but without the "Winterboard Slowdown" effect that people have been complaining about. When I first jailbroke my phone I too noticed the slowdown and I am trying to avoid it all together this time around.
Thanks for the help in advance.