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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
What is the best way to charge or use the MBP. I will charge it up to full then take it off and use it til it dies. My girlfriend tells me this is the best way but reading the apple site it seems like I only need to do this once or month or so not every day. I am already at 80 cycles and I got my MBP on jan 23
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macrumors G3
Aug 3, 2006
What is the best way to charge or use the MBP. I will charge it up to full then take it off and use it til it dies. My girlfriend tells me this is the best way but reading the apple site it seems like I only need to do this once or month or so not every day. I am already at 80 cycles and I got my MBP on jan 23

I'd follow the instructions that Apple laptop suggests, but that's just me.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
Does the late 2011 MBP have adaptive charging? So I cAn leave it in the wall all the time?


macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2012
Lodz, Poland
In short: I would say (just like the guides) - use your Macbook plugged in anytime that you can and use your battery if you have to:)
What I can say from my experience is that:
1. first of all it's not worth it to be obsessed with the battery health:), though I tend not to live by that rule:) At least when it comes to my 13" MBP:)
2. Second thing is that: I've found a way that works best with my MBPs...

When I had purchased my 13" I used to plug in to charge and then use it on battery and drain it to 80% (sometimes 50%). That didn't work well for me as the battery health dropped to 88% (it has 30 cycles now and is 6 months old). So now I use it plugged and drain it to 90% every 3, 4 days. The health has went up to 90,4%. I also leave it off and plugged in on some days for 2, 3 hours when I get back from work (I work on my 15" then).
As for the 15". I bought it a couple of weeks ago. It was year old almost to the day back then, had around 12 cycles, 92% battery health. It hasn't been used much by the previous owner (he switched to MBA as he was an architect and driving a motorbike:) to work. Anyways. It was with the 15" that I'd found the way to get the battery health up.
The 15" is my desktop basically, docked at my desk, connected to an external display, so it's plugged in most of the time. I was afraid that it would hurt the battery even more. But quite the opposite happened. I let it drain to 90% every 2 or 3 days, but I use it plugged almost all the time. And in those 3 weeks the battery health (and battery max. charge) have increased. The health has gone up from 93 to 97%. That's what I wanted, so I stopped obsessing about it. Not completely, but significantly I would say:)
But there's the 13" - I hope to get back a couple % on the 13" as well, by using this "method".
I'd found that when you charge your computer and the charging stops at 95%-9X% (the indicator says it's fully charged), while it usually is higher like 97-100%. What I do is I unplug and use it on battery until it drops 2-5% and then plug it back in. This second full charging gets the battery higher than the previous one (usually to 99 or 100%=to the max) almost every time and the "Battery health" app shows increase in health and capacity. Small increase, (like 0,2%), but a steady increase so to speak. In time this adds up to 1% and so on.
Maybe it's an obsession, I know I won't get the battery back to its original capacity, but every mAh counts for me as I want to keep my MBPs for a longer while without paying for a new battery.
Anyways, hope that helps. It really works for me.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
Yes. Just make sure you use the battery sometimes. Once every couple weeks or so.

I will be using the battery at leaat twice a week with being in classes and all. I got through a whole day of classes with out plugging it in un til 4pm so i didnt plug in from 8am to 4 pm never died


macrumors regular
Jul 2, 2012
GGJStudios is late.

But regardless, follow the advice in his guide - it was linked earlier in this thread.


macrumors G3
Aug 3, 2006
I will be using the battery at leaat twice a week with being in classes and all. I got through a whole day of classes with out plugging it in un til 4pm so i didnt plug in from 8am to 4 pm never died

Sounds like a pretty good usage pattern. I wouldn't worry about your battery.

For what it's worth, for the last year or so I've left mine plugged in 90% of the time. Occasionally, I'll unplug it and use it away from my work area. My laptop is about 3 years old, the battery is at about 500 cycles, and I've got 87% health. I'll probably decide to replace it in the next year or two. I'm pretty happy with that.


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
I will be using the battery at leaat twice a week with being in classes and all. I got through a whole day of classes with out plugging it in un til 4pm so i didnt plug in from 8am to 4 pm never died
Do that and you'll be fine. Run on battery whenever you need to and plug it in whenever you can. You can plug or unplug at any time, regardless of the charged percentage, and you never need to completely drain your battery. Just make sure you don't run on AC power all the time, as your battery needs to be used regularly to stay healthy. This should answer most, if not all, of your battery/charging questions:

Dark Void

macrumors 68030
Jun 1, 2011
Use it normally and let it discharge once in a while. You can leave it plugged in for days at a time.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
Do that and you'll be fine. Run on battery whenever you need to and plug it in whenever you can. You can plug or unplug at any time, regardless of the charged percentage, and you never need to completely drain your battery. Just make sure you don't run on AC power all the time, as your battery needs to be used regularly to stay healthy. This should answer most, if not all, of your battery/charging questions:

i read that so i can leave it plugged in for 3-4 days and be fine? right now i sometimes charging 2-3 times a day because as soon as its charged i take it off charger and use battery. i am at 80 cycles since jan 23rd of this year.


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
i read that so i can leave it plugged in for 3-4 days and be fine? right now i sometimes charging 2-3 times a day because as soon as its charged i take it off charger and use battery. i am at 80 cycles since jan 23rd of this year.
Yes, you can leave it plugged in for days at a time. You don't have to unplug as soon as it's charged, unless you need to be away from a power source. Running on battery all the time when you don't need to is using cycles needlessly. If you run with it plugged in most of the time and run on battery for several hours a few times a week as you described, you'll be fine.
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