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Original poster
Jan 8, 2008
I've had my iPad for a few weeks now and have had no battery issues whatsoever. In fact, my battery has performed way above my expectations. I have made a conscious effort to never leave it charging all night (despite people saying it doesn't matter). However, I accidentally did end up charging it all night recently (it only needed 10% when i plugged it in) and since doing this I have noticed that my battery drops much more quickly than it used to even though i am using it the same amount. I'd even say that the battery dropped significantly faster than it used to. Could this have caused it or am i just experiencing the normal wear and tear of the battery?
I am guessing it is just normal. I keep mine plugged in overnight every night and haven't had any problems although I have only had it for a week.

My cellphone gets plugged in every night before bed.

My laptop is always plugged in unless I am using it away from where I keep the plug.

And my ipad has been going on charge before bed.

I have never noticed any decrease in battery performance in any of these things outside of the normal wear of the battery.
I thought this was my problem too, but I generally check the battery life before the time, so when my battery goes down significantly, like 30-40% I don't realize that 3 hours have passed...
You guys are probably right and i could definitely over reacting. Although, I would warn you nixie that my MacBook pro battery is now shot and the apple tech said it was because i always left it plugged in even when it didn't need to be charged. I still think that could be ******** though, just a lame excuse to allow apple to let their batteries die after 2 years.
You guys are probably right and i could definitely over reacting. Although, I would warn you nixie that my MacBook pro battery is now shot and the apple tech said it was because i always left it plugged in even when it didn't need to be charged. I still think that could be ******** though, just a lame excuse to allow apple to let their batteries die after 2 years.

No, that's pretty true. Batteries need to be active, you have to actually use them or they lose their ability to hold charges.

"Apple does not recommend leaving your portable plugged in all the time. An ideal use would be a commuter who uses her MacBook Pro on the train, then plugs it in at the office to charge. This keeps the battery juices flowing. If on the other hand, you use a desktop computer at work, and save a notebook for infrequent travel, Apple recommends charging and discharging its battery at least once per month."
You guys are probably right and i could definitely over reacting. Although, I would warn you nixie that my MacBook pro battery is now shot and the apple tech said it was because i always left it plugged in even when it didn't need to be charged. I still think that could be ******** though, just a lame excuse to allow apple to let their batteries die after 2 years.

Maybe it is just that since I have always treated my electronics the same way, I'm just used to it and expect it therefore never notice it.
No, that's pretty true. Batteries need to be active, you have to actually use them or they lose their ability to hold charges.

"Apple does not recommend leaving your portable plugged in all the time. An ideal use would be a commuter who uses her MacBook Pro on the train, then plugs it in at the office to charge. This keeps the battery juices flowing. If on the other hand, you use a desktop computer at work, and save a notebook for infrequent travel, Apple recommends charging and discharging its battery at least once per month."

See I really don't understand all of this discharge once a month. Everything that I have read has said not too fully discharge your battery that it prefers a partial discharge. I do partially discharge. I have my ipad unplugged all day and then before I go to bed I plug it in so when I wake up it will be ready to go. Am I supposed to set an alarm to go off when my battery is at 100% so that I can wake up to unplug it? I guess I could just plug it in every other night or every 3rd night but however I do it, it is going to be charging overnight because I'm not waking up to check on it and unplug it if it is set to 100%.

I'll probably want to upgrade once they release a new one anyway. Stupid apple.
See I really don't understand all of this discharge once a month.

I don't understand nuclear physics.

Just use it normally, charge it as it needs charged. It doesn't make sense to leave it plugged in all the time. Discharge it once a month.

Bottom line, enjoy the iPad, don't over think it.
My iPod touch 2G's battery went to hell very fast. The reason: I left it plugged in all the time, over night. I babied my iPhone 3GS battery and would not leave it charging when it got to 100%. The battery on the iPhone is still fantastic, while the iPod dies after about 2 hours of use, even light use. So, I've learned my lesson.

Don't leave it plugged in when it reaches 100%. A little is OK, but don't leave it for several hours like that.

I was pissed at Apple when they updated iTunes with the ability to downgrade your music quality to 128kbps when syncing to your iPhone. This took HOURS to complete...about 14-16 hours actually. Unless I wanted to sync my 2,800 songs in groups of 100, there was no way to stop the phone from charging while it was syncing with iTunes.

Apple needs to update their software so that it stops charging the devices when they are already at 100% and are trying to sync with iTunes. However, I find it very unlikely that they will do that as diminished batteries bring them more money (people buy new devices, or get service work for the battery). Did you notice how Apple made a specific point when the iPad was released to note that you can get the battery replaced for $100? THEY WANT YOU TO RUIN THE BATTERY.
Ok, this all gets so annoying because I read these and then get sucked into worrying for a couple days. Then I have to talk myself back out of it. Here's my take:

When it comes to iPhones and iPads and're going to buy a new one LONG before you actually wear your battery out to complete uselessness. Even if you get to a point where you charge it every night...who cares? You're going to replace it WELL before your battery won't stay charged for more than a few hours.

When it comes to MBP and MB...who gives a ****? If you wear the thing out in 2 years, you can get a brand new one for $130 and use that for another two years. By that time, it'll have been 4 years and you're probably going to buy a new laptop.

Bottom line: use your device the way you want, charge it when you want. You're rarely, if ever, going to need to replace an iPad battery.
My iPod touch 2G's battery went to hell very fast. The reason: I left it plugged in all the time, over night. I babied my iPhone 3GS battery and would not leave it charging when it got to 100%. The battery on the iPhone is still fantastic, while the iPod dies after about 2 hours of use, even light use. So, I've learned my lesson.

Don't leave it plugged in when it reaches 100%. A little is OK, but don't leave it for several hours like that.

I was pissed at Apple when they updated iTunes with the ability to downgrade your music quality to 128kbps when syncing to your iPhone. This took HOURS to complete...about 14-16 hours actually. Unless I wanted to sync my 2,800 songs in groups of 100, there was no way to stop the phone from charging while it was syncing with iTunes.

Apple needs to update their software so that it stops charging the devices when they are already at 100% and are trying to sync with iTunes. However, I find it very unlikely that they will do that as diminished batteries bring them more money (people buy new devices, or get service work for the battery). Did you notice how Apple made a specific point when the iPad was released to note that you can get the battery replaced for $100? THEY WANT YOU TO RUIN THE BATTERY.

What on earth are you going on about? The phone will charge ONLY as it needs to. It's not like it keeps charging when it hits 100%! I leave all my devices plugged in overnight, and have NEVER had an issue with this. I've owned tons of phones and laptops, including every iPhone ever released, the iPad, every MacBook Pro, MacBook Air etc etc, and none have ever had a noticeable battery issue other than the usual "it doesn't hold *quite* as much charge as it did the day I got it," which is TYPICAL for any high-use device.
What on earth are you going on about? The phone will charge ONLY as it needs to. It's not like it keeps charging when it hits 100%! I leave all my devices plugged in overnight, and have NEVER had an issue with this. I've owned tons of phones and laptops, including every iPhone ever released, the iPad, every MacBook Pro, MacBook Air etc etc, and none have ever had a noticeable battery issue other than the usual "it doesn't hold *quite* as much charge as it did the day I got it," which is TYPICAL for any high-use device.

I completely agree. I've ALWAYS charged my iDevices overnight and have NEVER had battery issues, including my original iPhone that I used for two full years. It probably sat in it's charging dock 18 to 20 hours/day sometimes. It is now being used by my spouse after being stored in its box for a year and he charges it every night as well.
I've had my iPad for a few weeks now and have had no battery issues whatsoever. In fact, my battery has performed way above my expectations. I have made a conscious effort to never leave it charging all night (despite people saying it doesn't matter). However, I accidentally did end up charging it all night recently (it only needed 10% when i plugged it in) and since doing this I have noticed that my battery drops much more quickly than it used to even though i am using it the same amount. I'd even say that the battery dropped significantly faster than it used to. Could this have caused it or am i just experiencing the normal wear and tear of the battery?

Go ahead and believe what you want to believe, but it's all battery voodoo honestly.

It is very safe to keep your iPad plugged in overnight.

The power management is such that as soon as your iPad's battery is topped off, it will stop charging and switch to USB or household outlet power. That is how it works for any device that uses a lithium-polymer battery. What you are experiencing is just normal wear and tear.
I received my iPad in "late April" (haha) and it has been charged every night, overnight. Because of this thread I made note of my % charge when I posted a reply at hour ago basically.

Since then I've been surfing non-stop at all my usual sites pus a few more. I've played a couple of YouTube videos lasting about 6 minutes total too. My charge is now at 84%. My Wifi AND my Cellular Data are turned on, though I have been on Wifi the entire time.

So, 12% depletion in just over an hour. Remember, it's been charged overnight every night for two months straight. I'm good. My battery is good.

Case closed.
My cellphone gets plugged in every night before bed.

My laptop is always plugged in unless I am using it away from where I keep the plug.

And my ipad has been going on charge before bed.

I have never noticed any decrease in battery performance in any of these things outside of the normal wear of the battery.



and Ditto.

I do the exact same thing with my MBP, iPad and iPhone and I've never had one battery issue.
A few are over thinking this. Have you heard of battery problems with iPhones or ipads, no. I think it is good to run it down occasionally, but even this could be unnecessary.
As far as those seeing battery % rates change when you change charging habits, it could easily be how the calibrator changes how it calibrates depending on different use patterns, it has a pretty sophisticated battery calibrator that reacts In different ways depending on use patterns.
With this latest generation of batteries (i.e.: most Macbooks and iPhones made over the last 2-3 years) there's no "memory effect" or other mystical things to worry about.

Just keep your device charged when you can, and use it now and then.

The only reason Apple advises to discharge the battery once a month, is so that the software can re-calibrate the battery gauge.

For example, if after 6 months of use you never fully discharged your iPad, you may be surprised that you're almost out of juice even though the gauge reads 10%. That's because your battery has lost a few percent of efficiency, and without a full discharge to keep the battery gauge calibrated, the gauge may be off by a few percent.

Fully discharging the device isn't done for the sake of the battery, it's done for the sake of the accuracy of the battery charge remaining gauge.

Hope that clarifies things.
Batteries lose capacity over time. This is not rocket surgery. Don't obsess over it. Just use it, charge when needed, fully discharge and recharge once a month.
I completely agree. I've ALWAYS charged my iDevices overnight and have NEVER had battery issues, including my original iPhone that I used for two full years. It probably sat in it's charging dock 18 to 20 hours/day sometimes. It is now being used by my spouse after being stored in its box for a year and he charges it every night as well.

I've been doing the same without noticing any issues.
Being lazy, I tend to recharge the iPad when it gets so low and the irritating 20% and 10% warnings come and go. There is nothing like the red line at the left of the battery as a reminder to go plug it in.

I plug it and leave it until I next want it and then repeat the cycle. I do this with just about all the battery devices I own and apart from the off critical missed phone call, nothing has happened and the batteries last just fine.

Nothing like a good dose of apathy!
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