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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2004
New Jersey
Ok, I hate to ask this because I know similar questions have been thrown around since the day the iPhone came out but with all my searching here and on HF I can't get a straight answer..

Whats the cheapest current plan you can get for a 2G iPhone in order to use data (in the US). Searching keep bringing up the $5.99 plan (TMO) which I don't believe exists anymore.

I've had it with the $20 AT&T Unlimited MediaNet (since they discontinued it, they've allowed me to renew by calling each month but now thats giving me problems). I don't need voice (I have a Verizon phone for that which I can't give up), so I just need some way to get data on my iPhone. I'm OK switching to T-Mobile; I'm just looking for the best route to take.

Thanks in advance!
I just called T-Mobile. Surprisingly they know I am using Iphone without even asking me what kinda phone I am using.

I was told the only internet plans available are $24.99 and $34.99... there is no more $19.99 or $5.99 plan.. how sad

The sales is trying to sell me their internet plan for iphone. He even said he could give me $10 credit for me to try the internet for one month. Of course, I refused.
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