generik said:
Wow $9 is seriously cheap..
Is it for the OEM version or is it an academic priced retail version?
I assume most if not all universities that offer MS software under contract have a similar license to mine (it's $10 here, and $25 for the full Office 2004 for Mac VPC included). That license is far more restrictive than even the standard academic license; it basically says "You are paying X dollars for the install disc and administrative costs, but you don't own anything. You may install this on your computer for as long as you go to school/work here, but as soon as you graduate/get another job you must remove the software and return the discs to us if requested." (Actually, it might say destroy the discs, but probably not.)
Essentially, it's not your license like with a normal software purchase, you're just paying admin fees so that you can use the campus MS software license at home. No idea how much that jacks up the price of tuition, but MS probably loves it since it locks all the students and employees into MS stuff PLUS they don't have to worry about piracy. In fact, even if you DON'T want it, you've already paid. I almost wish they didn't offer it for this reason--I have no idea what the "per student" tax is, even if they have no desire to use MS anything.
As for the original question, I could be mistaken, but if you're putting it on a Mac, wouldn't an OEM copy be legit, since it was the "virgin" OS, and would be linked with that machine? If so, XP Pro can be had for $140 at Newegg OEM.
Home is cheaper and might do it, but I'm under the impression that it only makes use of a single processor core, so on anything but a Core Solo Mini, you're wasting half your juice. Maybe that's ok, depending on what you're doing, though.