T-Mobile Updating Data Prices
With the launch of T-Mobile’s costly 3G network, it is almost inevitable that some of the costs for the new speedy data network are passed on to the consumer, AKA you. A fellow blogger and a discussion here got wind of the change and our ninjas went to work uncovering the details.
Rest assured these changes don’t result in bad news for all of you. Blackberry users who want unlimited data and unlimited messaging will have no price changes, as well as some other combination’s of data, e-mail, and messaging packages. As you can see from the chart, “Phone First” and T-Mobile Shadow customers can purchase one of three options, each with either a 50 or 100 MB limit respectively. After customers without unlimited data reach their limit of data usage, they will be charged $.20/KB of usage. Although in and of itself that deal may be slightly consumer-unfriendly, T-Mobile comes through by capping the data overage charge at no more than $15, ever. Regardless of these changes T-mobile remains the least expensive and the most liberal of all carriers with regards to data usage.
Note: hotspot access and wifi is NOW INCLUDED in the blackberry/smartphone plans.
Want to know where T-Mobile caps their unlimited data plans, and if unlimited data really means unlimited data?
With unlimited plans users will get unlimited data, but for those data-centric users that use more than their fair share of data, some throttling of data speeds may occur. Specifically, once some users reach 10GB of data usage, their speeds will be throttled back to around 50kbps. Speeds and data usage will be reset at the beginning of the next billing cycle, and you will once again have 10GB of 3G speeds to play with until you receive the fateful free SMS message from T-Mobile stating “Your data usage in this billing cycle has exceeded 10GB; Data throughput for the remainder of the cycle may be reduced to 50 kbps or less.” Unfortunately all phones and all unlimited data plans will be included in T-Mobile’s soft cap of 10GB.
Can I put my SIM card from my “phone first” device into a Blackberry and get unlimited data?
Clever, but T-Mobile already thought of that. When you switch your SIM card to devices that requires a different data plan, T-Mobile will automatically switch you to that newer data plan. However, before you are charged for this new plan, it seems that you will see a message in your browser kindly informing you that you are on the wrong plan, and offering you the choice of accepting the correct plan for the device holding your SIM card.
These new prices will start the launch of the new “web2go” service of which details are still fairly sketchy. We can tell you this, it IS a replacement of T-zones which will be phased out as new handsets launch and is formed around a Yahoo! search bar. A big win for T-mobile comes from the idea that if you download an wallpaper/ringtone and you have to exchange the handset for whatever reason you can re-downloaded without calling customer care. Score one for T-mobile on that note, that’s definitely a big win over other carriers and their “we’ll let you download this one more time” attitude.
As for a launch date here, we can’t be positive on an exact timeframe though we expect anytime after the first of November is fair game. We are still investigating what if any changes will be made to family plans and how these changes will affect those who are add-on lines. Please stay tuned for more details on that.
Top 5 “web2go” bullet points:
Get access to the real web and still experience web content, network and form factor optimized for a mobile device.
Create a personalized home page for easy, one-click access to your favorite web pages.
Search and get relevant and categorized search results.
Purchase ringtones and wallpapers from your phone, and take them with you when you switch.
Access personal e-mail on your phone
Looks like T-mobile doesn't offer t-zones(Tmobile web) for 5.99 any more. Do you guys know the cheapest T-mobile unlimited data plan to be used for iphone?
I don't need the text messages.
I just found out that they have T-zones pro for 9.99 which includes 200 text messages per month. What can we do, they no longer have 5.99 T-zones. Definitely better than paying 19.99/24.99 ......
I just found out that they have T-zones pro for 9.99 which includes 200 text messages per month. What can we do, they no longer have 5.99 T-zones. Definitely better than paying 19.99/24.99 ......