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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 8, 2016
Boston, MA
My company has made a new app called uFly that connects people who want to make some extra money with people looking to order items.

The cool thing about uFly is that you get to specify how much you're willing to pay to have an item delivered to you. Other users can view your order and decide whether it is worth their while to deliver your item to you for the amount that you're willing to pay.

For example, you might be willing to pay $15 to have chips and dip delivered to your house. If the cost of the chips and dip is $5, then a user stands to profit $10 by delivering your item to you.

The cool thing is that uFly doesn't skim any money from the transaction!

Please download uFly from the App Store and let us know what you think: Download uFly from the App Store

Also, please check out some videos that we've made showing how uFly works:
(1) How to submit an order: Video Link
(2) How to accept an order: Video Link
(3) How to pay for an order: Video Link
Note, I am one of the creators of uFly.
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