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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 16, 2006
Dear All,

recently Apple reduced the price and increased the specs of their cinema displays. So I purchased a 23" Cinema Display from Apple Store UK. It duly arrived, looked wonderful but I could not see any obvious sign that it was indeed the new spec (Brightness and contrast ratio). It wasn't. It was an old out dated spec display sold at the new price. The way to check is to go to apple website and enter the serial number. Mine came up with the old specs. Of course apple assured me it was a one off mistake and will replace it with a new spec display:) . Or just maybe it was a way of reducing stocks of old displays by pretending they are new! :mad: Buyer beware!
Well, stores may not have sold out their old supplies yet. They might not be able to tell the difference. In such case, it's easier to order online..;)
I see the Canada store is still selling refurb'd screens for the same price as before the recent retail price drop - they're selling for more than the new screens at the moment....
BlizzardBomb said:

Yes, I am aware. I specifically waited until after WWDC, then ordered online to get the new spec. However, the page linked by the OP does not make mention of this update. Therefore, I would find it unlikely that any serial number entered into this page would yield the updated display as a match.
stoid said:
Yes, I am aware. I specifically waited until after WWDC, then ordered online to get the new spec. However, the page linked by the OP does not make mention of this update. Therefore, I would find it unlikely that any serial number entered into this page would yield the updated display as a match.

Hmm... well that page says M9177LL/A with the last number changing for screen size. The new Tech Specs page just says M9177 so would the letter extension be the answer?
Right now Apple is refusing to send me the replacement monitor until I send my monitor first what should I do?
Well me and Apple finally came to a conclusion on what we would do. I had to order another 23 inch monitor with over night shipping, then will send the other monitor back and will be getting a refund on that monitor.

You would think that Apple would be more helpful to someone who has bought three computers from them in the past year.
Apple have agreed to deliver a new speced display within 24-48 hours and to pick up the old one at the same time. Shame I had to spend 53 minutes on the phone whilst being redirected 11 times. Hopefully the new display will be worth it.
In reply to Stoid, you have to type the serial number into the Find by Serial number box on the right hand side. It will then return the spec of that particular unit.
If you are going to return your monitor based on the specs you get on that page, you'll be returning a lot of them since the new specs aren't even on them.

Here's why:

On the left you have all the current (and not so old) models that Apple has. Each model has it's own page. For the aluminium Cinema Display's, there's only 1 page, so that means they do not consider the updated specs as a new model.

If you look for the serial number on your acd, you'll get this page :

There is just one page about these displays, and it hasn't been updated with the new specs, so this method will not work.
nsknike said:
You would think that Apple would be more helpful to someone who has bought three computers from them in the past year.

I've bought 7 computers from them in the past year, get in line. What is with these petty complaints about an almost unnoticeable differentiation in specs. Unless you're putting the two monitors side by side, I highly doubt you would notice a difference. I hate're creating more work for yourself and for Apple, thus delaying the shipment of my 30" ACD and Mac Pro even more!!! :rolleyes:
It's not about the updated specs persé, but there have been problems with the 23" especially, and it would be good to know if the problems have been dealt with when they bumped up the specs.
klaus said:
If you are going to return your monitor based on the specs you get on that page, you'll be returning a lot of them since the new specs aren't even on them.

Here's why:

On the left you have all the current (and not so old) models that Apple has. Each model has it's own page. For the aluminium Cinema Display's, there's only 1 page, so that means they do not consider the updated specs as a new model.

If you look for the serial number on your acd, you'll get this page :

There is just one page about these displays, and it hasn't been updated with the new specs, so this method will not work.

Finally someone has explained what I tried to say in my first post to this thread! :D

Has ANYONE used this page and gotten a page that shows the updated specs? I suspect that no one has.

Even if my monitor is the old spec, I don't care, I got the lower price and I use it on the lowest brightness setting. Anything near the top gives me a headache because it's so stinking bright.
stoid said:
Finally someone has explained what I tried to say in my first post to this thread! :D

Has ANYONE used this page and gotten a page that shows the updated specs? I suspect that no one has.

Even if my monitor is the old spec, I don't care, I got the lower price and I use it on the lowest brightness setting. Anything near the top gives me a headache because it's so stinking bright.

My new 20" CD arrived today, and it is damn beautiful. Checked on that page and it shows the old spec. Are we sure that means it is old spec?
klaus said:
It's not about the updated specs persé, but there have been problems with the 23" especially, and it would be good to know if the problems have been dealt with when they bumped up the specs.

According to BareFeats...

BareFeats said:
New Apple 23" Cinema impresses. Best of all, the pink hue on grey screens is gone.

amin said:
My new 20" CD arrived today, and it is damn beautiful. Checked on that page and it shows the old spec. Are we sure that means it is old spec?

According to BareFeats...

BareFeats said:
This new model (numbers starting with 2A6281 or higher)...

Although whether that's 23" only or what...
Thank you for that information. Mine starts with 2A6291. Hopefully that means it is the new spec. Since it got here in a day and didn't come from California, I was concerned. Either way, it is damn beautiful.
I queried Apple about this exact issue. Just bought a 23" display and was told it would be the 'upgraded specs'.

Finally they have got me an answer. They say that the specs have not been upgraded in the UK, only in the US (email below).

However, if you look on the 'hardward' tab of the UK site (go to you will see that the new specs are there. So there is a contradiction on their site.

Dear Mr. Hayes,

Further to our conversation about displays, I double checked it with my supervisor and Apple Store specialist (sorry it took so long, the man who know everything was off for a few days). And apparently there was a change of specifications of our displays. Although it concerns only Apple Store for US market. It means that new displays are available only in United States, on European markets we still have original ones.
If yu'll go to american website, you see higher specs:

and different specs on UK store:

I admin, that might be confusing.
Basically the only change we made in Europe was price drop.

I hope I answered to your question.
If that really is the case, Apple UK can stick the display up their <cough!>

Paying more over here is one thing, but to get a worse product really is unfair.
I pointed out the discrepancy between the 2 pages on the website to Apple and they replied to me saying that this is a fault and they are escaltating it as a priority problem that needs to be put right on the website. In other words, they are confirming that the specs are different for Europe - only the US has the new specs.
One of the links in my post above doesn't work because it contains a session ID (which will have expired). To see the page click on the 'Store' tab, click on 'Displays' (half way down in the left hand column) then browse to, for example, 23" display. Do this in the US and then the UK store, and you will see the different specs.
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