I'm trying out Budget app right now. It's $2
The interface could be better, but once setup up, it doesn't take long to add an expense.
It doesn't let you set up weekly, daily, yearly expenses, it just does a month by month overall budget. You can go back to previous months.
Say you create a "Rent" expense in the main list. Set the budget for it. So, say rent is $775, also put a due date on it. Even, a reminder. Don't know the exact time it does, but it reminded me of a bill days before the due date. Every time I launched the app, it would bring up the reminder. Once you enter in an expense for that reminder's section, it will stop bugging you, even if it's not the exact amount of say the rent. There is no repeat expense forever, but when you create one, the month it starts is already in, and the last month is set for 2010. But at least you can set it for so many months, like if you bought an art piece on layaway for 4 payments.
You can also set some to auto fill, like bills and income that you know are the same each month and are on auto pay. Each month, these budgets will auto fill. Like I know my Cable is always $58, and it's automatic pay, so each month it will auto calculate into what has been spent. This feature is called auto actual. Now, you can still enter an expense and it will disable auto actual. So say your bill was lower or higher than the budget, like your ATT bill having a $18 upgrade fee that month, your budget reflect that.
It shows on the bottom left your total possible income, and your total possible expense. While on the right, your income so far, and your total spending thus far.
Each category has a fever chart showing the budget as a flat line, and a line of what you actually spent over a year. Might be useful to keep track of your power bill, and notice when it's higher during the year, and lower. Or, you may find a section that you continually under spent, then adjust the budget to match, and then maybe use the difference to increase budget in areas you consistently overspent.
The expenses can be set to skip months, so if it's every 2 months, 3 months, and so on. Wish I could set my car insurance to be for 4 months straight, then skip 2 months. But at least there's an on off switch for budgets so I can turn it off for 2 months without deleting it.
Downsides, editing a budget or creating it can be several pages to finish it, and one wrong click, like hitting back, it later becomes cancel, so one to many taps is deadly. But entering things into finished areas is quick. Though, lists can only be in alphabetical order, and so far, day to day expenses in each category list newest at the bottom. A tip right now for the category is to put a space in front of the name in your most used ones to be at the top (updates after you reopen the app)
Maybe not great for check booking, but can help you set up a budget to control spending, and actually see what you spent from month to month. I really like the reminder. I know there's no alarm or e-mail, but since I'll be using it daily, I'll usually get the notice to make the payment when I open it. I wish the yearly chart feature would show the average cost per month based off total spent over the year.