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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2008
London Ontario
i jsut order stuff off and im on my order status, but where can i track it? it saids in blue prepared to ship? i want ot track it
Cant track it if it hasn't least your not waiting until...."November"
Cant track it if it hasn't least your not waiting until...."November"

It feels good knowing there are so many others like me that are waiting until "November"... but I've never wanted a month to be over so bad in my life (especially one with a holiday at the end of it). Sigh... I hope I have my i7 by Thanksgiving at least so I can show it off to the family. Hehe. :p
meh i have the phenom II 940 quad core monster PC, i didnt want to spend another 2300 on a quad core mac, if they were 1500 then **** i would be al over it but meh, i jsut bought the imac 9400M nvidia, it will fun alot faster then expect haha i dont play video games on mac, mac wasnt ment for video games tahst what a PC was for, or else i woudl have got the 1499 IMA with the ATI but i dont game so ididnt care to much about it my IMAC will still blow out PC, what u guys think?
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