I am still working on my wife`s Air, ML is now onboard and have lat of other updates DL now. Looking at Apple this may be the solution for Chinese web services;
Enabling Chinese Internet services in Mountain Lion
Mountain Lion has built-in support for popular Chinese web services. With Sharing, Chinese users can post to Sina Weibo, the popular microblogging service, and post video to video-sharing websites Youku and Tudou. Mountain Lion makes it easy to set up Mail with popular mail services QQ Mail, 126 and 163. Leading Chinese search provider Baidu is a built-in option in Safari 6.
When you select China as your system region, you will automatically be able to access these services. Other users can access these services through the steps below:
To access Chinese services
Choose Apple () menu > System Preferences
> Language & Text > Input Sources (tab) and check the input source with the following options: Chinese - Simplified and or Chinese - Traditional
After enabling a Chinese input method, go to the Mail, Contacts & Calendars pane of System Preferences. Scroll down to see mail services QQ Mail, 163, and 126; microblogging service Sina Weibo; and video-sharing services Youku and Tudou. Click on a service to sign in to it in Mountain Lion.