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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Apr 15, 2010
Can anyone recommend one out there? I can't seem to open this with Goodreader.
Can anyone recommend one out there? I can't seem to open this with Goodreader.

There's CHMate and CHMateLite. The latter is free but only allow opening of 1 document.

I like iCHM because it is cheaper than CHMate (6.99 vs 9.99). If your iPad is jailbroken, you can use FullForce to make iCHM running in full screen mode.
Convert chm -> epub

This was mentioned before, but if you're willing to go through a bit of extra work, Calibre actually does a fairly decent job of converting .chm to .epub. In other words: convert your .chm files to .epub and you can read them right in iBooks.
Thanks for recommendations.

I'll try iCHM...since it works on the iPhone. I'm assuming that its iPad implementation is in the goofy mini-screen mode?

I'll also try the Caliber conversion and see how that works.

Thanks all!
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