Hi everyone , I’m buying a new MacBook this month for university studies for tasks such as Ai & IoT engineering , which one between this two should I choose from 😅 ?
1) MacBook M1 Pro 14 inch (16/512gb) [used]
2) MacBook Air m3 (8/256gb) [brand new]
The only difference apart from being used or new is that the newer m3 cost 250$ more than the M1 Pro
You will be carrying this computer around with you, smaller is better.
But on the other and the your use case, AI and IoT Engineering you will want to have multiple large text windows open at the same time and reference material open in a browser. This is impossible in a small notebook computer. The best option is a small easy to cary notebook (the M3 air) and then buy a larger 27" 4K monitor or even two of them to use at home. As for AI, except for simple textbook problems, mostly this is done on cloud servers using the notebook as a terminal
Storage is the same way. It is nice to have a big drive in the local computer but you do NOT want all you data on a notebook. The cloud is great because then you can use some other computer. Mst universities have many public access computers, if your data is on the cloud, then any computer on Earth is good as long as it has Internet access and a terminal app that can run ssh. Apple makes this easy.
With 8/256 the M3 is really stripped down but if it is noticeably lighter then you will actually take it with you. And seriously, any real work is done at your desk where you have a much larger screen and the AI heavy lifting has to be done on cloud servers with $20,000 GPUs.