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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 22, 2005
i already have a nice Canon SLR but need to join the ranks of those with a digital.
I am looking at the 350d or the 20d. I am not seeing much argument for the price of a 20d. Can someone talk me in to the 20d or in to the 350d. Doesnt any one have complaints about either camera. Thanks so much



Jun 18, 2004
choosing a canon


Simple, classic and effective.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
taytho said:
i already have a nice Canon SLR but need to join the ranks of those with a digital.
I am looking at the 350d or the 20d. I am not seeing much argument for the price of a 20d. Can someone talk me in to the 20d or in to the 350d. Doesnt any one have complaints about either camera. Thanks so much


Now there is a new 30D....have you looked into that one? From what I understand that model has some changes/improvements over the previous generation of 10D and 20D. Depends upon what features are important to you, what you really feel you must have or what you think you can live without....

I'm not a Canon shooter, so I can't speak knowledgeably or specifically about any of these, but my recommendation would be to look more closely at the 20D and the 30D over the Digital Rebel. People have mentioned the feel of the Digital Rebel in their hands and some like it, some feel it is too small or too plasticky....

Before you make any decision first read revews at or at or The 30D is still new so there may be only preliminary reviews available for it right now.

After that, take a trip to your local camera shop and handle each of the cameras in which you're interested, talk with the store personnel, get a sense of whether or not one of these camera bodies will do what you want and need and also be sure to verify that whatever lenses you already own will work with that camera body. Canon has changed mounts a few times and so there are issues around that if someone has older lenses.

Hope this helps!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2002
Greenville, SC
There are several reasons to get the 20d. I had the 350d then upgraded.

Reasons why:
5fps vs 3fps (not that big of a deal but the buffer on the 20d is much bigger)
Quick control dial (it's a pain and slow to change options by scrolling through menus).
More AF points
Better feeling body (not so small)
Viewfinder is much better
Better shutter (100k vs 50k) plus it sounds better. The 350d has this funny whir sound that almost sounds like film advancing.

There are more but I can't remember them now.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 22, 2005
Zeke said:
There are several reasons to get the 20d. I had the 350d then upgraded.

Reasons why:
5fps vs 3fps (not that big of a deal but the buffer on the 20d is much bigger)
Quick control dial (it's a pain and slow to change options by scrolling through menus).
More AF points
Better feeling body (not so small)
Viewfinder is much better
Better shutter (100k vs 50k) plus it sounds better. The 350d has this funny whir sound that almost sounds like film advancing.

There are more but I can't remember them now.

So i know this is a judgement call, but bear with me. I am on a serious budget..... out of college and not yet begun my career...... which will be teaching. I think you can imagine that i am rather poor. Are these features worth the hundreds of dollars in price difference? I understand that the 20d is better..... i wont argue that. Is it worth the price difference? again, i understand this is a judgement call, what do you think?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 21, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Honestly, I think it depends how interested you are in photography. I recomend the 350D to my friends and familly who are intersted in just casually shooting but are fed up with the quality of there P&S. I recoment the 20d to anyone who wants to take there photography to the next level.

From my own experiance I couldn't live with a 350d. The quick control dial thing on the back is a life saver. It makes changing settings quickly that much easiar. I'm not sure how many shots I would have missed if it wasn't for that single knob. Another difference that was serious to me (but might not be to others) was the location of the secondary screen on the 350d. It's on the back above the main screen. On the 20/30d its on the top. I think its much more convenient there.

Two more things pertaining to quality: The 20d is bigger, heavier, and much better constructed. Compare a consumer lens to a cannon L series lens and I think you get the picture. Its actually kind of funny... I recomend both the 350d and the 20d to there respective potential consumers because of there respective sizes. The 350d is perfect for someone who just wants to take occasional pictures. Its nice and small and doesn't get in your way. For me at least its a little too small though. I can't imagine its very comfortable to shoot with for extended lengths of time. I can't even imagine my camera without the battery grip... let alone the itsy bitsy 350d. Last, the shutter life on the 20d is much better then the 350d (and was improved even more for the 30d.) My camera's on its second shutter. If you plan on shooting alot take that into consideration.

I'm in college also. I'm poor aswell but I take my photography very seriously. I think if you are really serious about photography you won't regret buying a 20d. The 350d is certainly still a respectable camera though, and will take great pictures also.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2002
Greenville, SC
I would agree about recommending both. I do all the time. My guess is you'd do perfectly well with the 350d. They're a steal right now where a body can be had for $550. I would say probably go with the 350d and if you outgrow it sell it (easy) and pick up a used 20d (also easy). The 350d can technically do everything the 20d can, takes great pictures, and is a wonderful camera so my recommendation is to buy it.

You'll get better pictures with better lenses anyway so you'll probably need to focus more money on glass than on the body if you don't have a supply of high quality lenses. On a budget, my recommendation for lenses is:

EF 50mm 1.8
Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 (lens can't be beat by anything in its price category)
Tamron 19-35


macrumors 6502a
Nov 21, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Zeke said:
You'll get better pictures with better lenses anyway so you'll probably need to focus more money on glass than on the body if you don't have a supply of high quality lenses. On a budget, my recommendation for lenses is:

EF 50mm 1.8
Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 (lens can't be beat by anything in its price category)
Tamron 19-35

I have those first 2. Both great lenses for the $$$... especially the tamron.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2002
Greenville, SC
The 28-75 is's definitely my most used lens. I had the 50 1.8 MK I and got rid of it for a 50 1.4 that I rarely use. The only thing I think could be cooler is the upcoming Tamron 17-50 2.8 except it's Di-II and thus can't be used with a film SLR. Once it's out, I'll probably just pick up a Tamron 17-35 to replace my 19-35 on the cheap. I'm consistently surprised by how good my 19-35 is though, so if the 17-35 is as much better as it's supposed to be I'll be ecstatic.

panoz7 said:
I have those first 2. Both great lenses for the $$$... especially the tamron.

John T

macrumors 68020
Mar 18, 2006
Before you buy anything, get your hands on some actual cameras! It's no good going just for specs and then finding that the camera is uncomfortable to use. I started with a 300D and then considered upgrading to the 350D - until I tried it! I found it much too small - even the salesman agreed with me! I now have the 30D and it's great.


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2003
John T said:
Before you buy anything, get your hands on some actual cameras! It's no good going just for specs and then finding that the camera is uncomfortable to use. I started with a 300D and then considered upgrading to the 350D - until I tried it! I found it much too small - even the salesman agreed with me! I now have the 30D and it's great.
That was my route too, 300D simple effective. 350D too small, could be better if they made the handle bigger. 20D/30D just right. Though a recently acquired 10D feels better (I'm selling it soon).


macrumors 68000
Oct 28, 2003
Abstract said:
IAnd if he was serious: It's too heavy, and quite frankly, it takes horrible photos. :p
Umm, no kidding.

mpw said:
Check YOUR dictionary for humour, it won't be there cause you don't have it in the US.:D
Are you serious? If they were spelled alike you would have had a case for humor.

law guy

macrumors 6502a
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
taytho said:
So i know this is a judgement call, but bear with me. I am on a serious budget..... out of college and not yet begun my career...... which will be teaching. I think you can imagine that i am rather poor. Are these features worth the hundreds of dollars in price difference? I understand that the 20d is better..... i wont argue that. Is it worth the price difference? again, i understand this is a judgement call, what do you think?

The 350D / XT is a nice DSLR. My sister has been a serious amature for years and years and has the 350 that I played with a little bit when they visited from the UK. Of course you'll want to handle one, but I thought it was a fine size. I have the 30D, but the image quality out of the 350D/XT is very nice. You seem like you like the 20D but budget is a big concern. It looks like they're selling for 1,099 new these days at a lot of places. I would give a reputable place that sometimes has discounts when you call like a call to see if they have a in-person/telephone only price (for some reason they don't discount on just the website). You might be able to find one for a decent price. If you can get one for a discount that doesn't have you going into debt just to get a camera, you might go that route. A reasonably good lens will be the other critical component in either case. The 18-55 kit lens isn't bad at all, but not as spectacular as the results I've seen with better lenses.


Jun 18, 2004
ksz said:
Umm, no kidding.

Are you serious? If they were spelled alike you would have had a case for humor.
Look up occasionally and you'll get more outta life, there's a load of funny stuff going way over your head.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 22, 2005
ksz said:
Umm, no kidding.

Are you serious? If they were spelled alike you would have had a case for humor.

Actually the fact that they are pronounced the same means there is very much a case for humor here. I laughed when that was the first response to my question.

mpw said:
Check YOUR dictionary for humour, it won't be there cause you don't have it in the US.:D
Correct.... in the US we have HUMOR in our dictionary. ..... well some of us do.. hehe.

Thanks everybody for your help. I decided on the 350d and a Sigma lens. I have had great luck with my Sigma lenses in the past and the bottom line is with the camera body is going to be price. You can spend all the money in the world but it basically comes down to your eye and i have had pretty good luck with mine. I have the most fun on my old Pentax K1000. I need a solid digital body to work with and from my research and your opinions and things people have said it is the one for me. Again... thanks a bunch. AND more info is always welcome!!!!!


John T

macrumors 68020
Mar 18, 2006
taytho said:
You can spend all the money in the world but it basically comes down to your eye and i have had pretty good luck with mine.

Have fun with your new purchase!

Your comment above is so right! So many people believe the more they spend on equipment, the better their pictures will be - it's just not true!


macrumors 68000
Oct 28, 2003
mpw said:
Look up occasionally and you'll get more outta life, there's a load of funny stuff going way over your head.
Dude, don't take it personally. And worse, don't make it personal.

(btw, if I had a nickel every time I heard a version of the canon vs cannon "joke", I would have died of boredom. :) )
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