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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 13, 2010
Cambs. UK
Hi, My first post here - my name's dunk from Cambridgeshire UK and I'm trying to decide which new iMac to buy. It's a replacement for my iMac G5.

The obvious choice is one of the new 21" or 27" models but I've found some good deals on the older 24" model with what appears to be a better graphics card than the standard option ATI Radeon HD4670 with 256Mb RAM shipped in the 27" model in my price range.

The older 24" model seen today has the NVIDEA GT 130 with 512Mb RAM ... other specs are the same as the 27" apart from the RAM upgradability ie to 8Gb compared to 16Gb in the 27" . It is considerably cheaper than the 27" as is being sold as a discontinued model.

Having looked at both the 24" and the 27" screens side by side today I cant see much difference but I'm colour blind so maybe I cant see the colours as well as other users in the new 27". I'm also worried I will not be able to see any 'yellowing' if I get the 27" . I certainly can't notice the so called 'superb resolution' of the new LED screens when comparing the 27" with the 24" side by side but maybe the better graphics card in the 24" model I saw today makes a difference?

I'm making the final choice tomorrow but so far will probably be the iMac 24" MB420B/A with Core Duo 3.06 Ghz and 1TB HD , 4Mb RAM and the NVIDEA GT130 Graphics card - priced at less than the cost of the 27" with the ATI Radeon HD 4760.

However, I'm not an IT expert - any other opinions and pros/cons regarding the 24" with the NVIDEA GT130 graphics card are welcomed.

Thanks for reading.


Double video RAM does not make a better graphics card.

The GT130 is older than the ATI, but it also comes down to your needs.

For games the ATI will be better, but if your not into graphic intense applications the 24" might suffice.
As long as you're not concerned about having the "latest and greatest", the 24" is probably a very good deal. And unless you're into gaming, then the video card isn't going to be an issue. You'll be more future-proof with one of the newer models, but I don't know how often you upgrade or what kind of applications you'll likely be running?
Thanks for your comments. I am not a games user; my main uses are MS Office for Mac and digital photography - planning to use Aperture shortly.


Finally decided to this afternoon to purchase iMac 24" MB420B/A with Core Duo 3.06 Ghz and 1TB HD , 4Mb RAM and the NVIDEA GT130 Graphics card - priced at £200 less than the cost of the new 27" iMac with the ATI Radeon HD 4760. I almost went for the 27" but all the complaints about the yellowing and flickering screens put me off - if they are prone to that now, what will they be like in 2 years time? The dealer has given a 2 year warranty/guarantee. OK , I could have also got the 2 year guarantee on the 27" but the 24" seems to be a more proven model at the moment - and the price was right. I don't 'game' on the iMac so do not need loads of upgrade potential. And TBH I could not see any differences in screen resolution when comparing the machines side by side in the store. The UK dealer, John Lewis Partnership gives 2 year guarantees on all computers sold at no extra cost. I could have bought the same machine from Apple Store UK at the same price (which they say is £680 ie 37% less than their previous retail when it was a current model) but only with a 12 month guarantee.

Thanks for your comments.


Dunk, I think the John Lewis option is a good idea. Did you think of/were you offered AppleCare there? I know they have their own cheap 3 year guarantee, too.
I think that you did just fine.

I bought my mother her first Mac a few months ago. Since it was going to be the first one and she only browses the web and writes with word, I decided to get her the last rev of the 24 inch which is just a piece of art and it has 0 problems whatsoever.
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