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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 11, 2005
I was wondering if anybody could suggest a good font to use for school this year. All last year I did my papers in Helvetica 12 point in AppleWorks, but I'm getting rather tired of Helvetica. I was thinking about Lucida Grande, but it's a little too large for my needs. I also don't want anything that reminds me of PCs like Times New Roman. I don't really care if it's Sans-Serif or not. I just want a font that's on my computer already, or something free I can download.

Thanks in advance.
What the hell, use Comic Sans and Arial. :D

Second vote for Adobe Garamond.
Most of the unis I know specify Times, 12 point and double spaced. May as well start getting used to it now.
Mechcozmo said:
Lacero said:
Would you rather this hideous text?Or rather, this one?
Zapfino works nicely in larger sizes for letters that are supposed to be hand done but look better this way.
If your school goes by following MLA guidelines, you'll probably have to use either Arial or Times New Roman. It's the typeface that 99% of the world uses on pretty much any formal document.
I was a bit rebellious in college, so I submitted my papers in Palatino, even though Times was required. None of my professors ever noticed the difference.
I wrote most of my papers in 12 point Optima. It's nice and easy to read. Then again I also printed all of my essays and whatnot on resume paper. It feels nicer and it's easier to write commentary on it. Unless your professor is a standards nazi, chances are they won't care what font you use so long as it's not outrageous and they can read it easily.
I like Lucida Grande for my email, but usually go with either Palatino or Garamond for reports and such. Plain but elegant (and easy to read), and at least it isn't Times, Helvetica, or (gak!) Courier.
I have not yet had a professor who specified what kind of font they required. So I used many different fonts. Not to sure that I can explain this properly but here goes. On some papers that I finished typing and it was in some way a little short in page length or I wanted to add another page to it I would just leave the size at 12pt and change the font to something that expanded the length.
Bigger is better

I hate to be the one who says this, but use Courier New. It looks like times new Roman but you get about an extra page from every 3 pages. Also Monaco is even bigger, most teacher's can't notice.
Dan8302 said:
I hate to be the one who says this, but use Courier New. It looks like times new Roman but you get about an extra page from every 3 pages. Also Monaco is even bigger, most teacher's can't notice.

i used new courier unless directed otherwise. the font gives a "type writer" impression to most people and they ignore the fact that it is larger.
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