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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 9, 2008
East Coast, USA
My sister and family and I all had several apps that said they needed updates (between 5-25 a person) and as we all try to sync, download, and update, 5 different computers are all saying that there are no updates available. Has anyone else experienced this? Just an off the cuff guess would be that so many new iOS devices are trying to activate today some servers might be overloaded or something. Thoughts?
I had a few updates that I haven't done yet, and as of today they are not in the Available Updates area... Im assuming that apple has disabled app updates until they return back from the holiday, just incase there are any errors with new app updates.
It seems that for some moments the AppStore was returning back on a day in August.

The top 10 lists where all showing what was top in August. The same from "latest releases".

That is why the updates was disappearing from the store!

Very interesting "hiccup" I must say!
The App Store is totally messed up at the moment, reviews aren't there, rankings are frozen :(

Couldn't have happened at a worst time for us Developers as Christmas Day and Boxing Day are the 2 most profitable days of the year. :(
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