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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 17, 2012
It looks like 10.10 broke Chrome's ability to go back to the last page via the trackpad's double finger swipe?
Chrome doesn't work at all for me, when I load it up I see the blue crash error page. What version are you on? I was trying to use the Beta / Chromium versions. I need to try Stable and see if that changes.
Seems to be all other future builds other than the stable build are broken in 10.10. I've tried Beta, Dev and Canary builds and all 3 give me the blue crash screen but the stable build seems to work fine without issue.
I've had problems with swiping in Chrome in Mavericks too; on Yosemite sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
it works on certain pages if you type this in the terminal

defaults write AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool TRUE
It works for me about 50% of the time. It was working fine in mavericks until 10.9.4, now it only works about 70% of the time. I thought it was just me.
I ran into the same issue. With DP4 Safari performance is much better so I've moved to that. However, I did find out that if you browse to chrome://flags and then exit out, back and forward swipe return to normal functionality for about 5 minutes before breaking.
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