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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 8, 2017

For the last year or so, I have had a truly weird issue with my 27" Apple Cinema Display (non-thunderbolt, about 5-6 years old).

When the display has been connected to power and my Macbook pro for an hour or so, it shuts off, and starts making a 'clicking' noise every 5 seconds. Power from the integrated macbook charger and all the usb-ports is lost. This happens every time I use the screen.

If I unplug the display from power and wait a couple of hours, it usually works again. Then, after using it for an hour or so, the issue repeats.

Any idea what can be causing this issue?

I've looked for solutions pretty much everywhere, but I have yet to find one that works.

All help is greatly appreciated.


macrumors 68020
Apr 6, 2011

For the last year or so, I have had a truly weird issue with my 27" Apple Cinema Display (non-thunderbolt, about 5-6 years old).

When the display has been connected to power and my Macbook pro for an hour or so, it shuts off, and starts making a 'clicking' noise every 5 seconds. Power from the integrated macbook charger and all the usb-ports is lost. This happens every time I use the screen.

If I unplug the display from power and wait a couple of hours, it usually works again. Then, after using it for an hour or so, the issue repeats.

Any idea what can be causing this issue?

I've looked for solutions pretty much everywhere, but I have yet to find one that works.

All help is greatly appreciated.

My 27" ACD (non-Tbolt model) has just started doing the same thing. :(

I'm getting little clicking noises from the speakers area, which happens whenever I sleep the display – i.e. I haven't turned the Mac Mini it's connected to off. When I turn the display off at the mains it completely stops.

I notice that in the free Mactracker app (available on the Mac App Store, BTW!) it says this model is still "supported" – I really hope that's true.

1) Is this definitely a power supply issue, then (I literally know nothing about power supplies!)?
2) If so, is this something Apple can replace for me, and what's the likely cost?
(again, the idea of doing this myself by buying parts and trying to get into the sealed casing is rather daunting!)

[doublepost=1510702117][/doublepost]...Bollocks... Now I'm getting screen flicker too... is this likely still a power supply issue?
[doublepost=1510704820][/doublepost]Booked-in with Apple Genius Bar apmt on Thu PM, so will see their response. :-|

...why do I think it'll cost me a fortune, lol!
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