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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 20, 2003
Brisbane, Australia
DP frame has decimated the frame rate in Civ V for me. Have closed off every other process other than Steam and the game itself and it's still abysmal. Anyone else seeing this?

Was perfect in previous DPs :(

Activity reporter reports high usage from the coreduetd process intermittently. Culprit?
Submit a bug report and either boot off a Mavericks partition or just don't play the game until apple releases 10.10
You really should submit a bug report though. There's really nothing that we can do if it's a code change within Yosemite.

I'm trying to nail down the culprit before I submit a bug report: by finding if others have the same issue or if it is limited to my setup. The more info one has before submitting a bug report the more helpful it is. Rather than just saying "I have this issue wah wah, one can actually provide useful information on how to fix said issue.

Or to put it more plainly: A bug report without useful context is just whining.

For instance: if anyone could shine a light on what CoreDuet is and why it is hogging CPU time, that would be useful.
When you file a bug report, they also require a sysdiagnosis file, so its not just complaining. They have a lot of detailed information that goes along with it.
I just installed Yosemite this morning, will try and run Civ V when I get home. If it's really that bad it looks like I'll be cloning back to Mavericks until the issue is resolved. Civ runs slow enough as it is. :p
Granted my measly MBA mid-2011 is closer to the "System Requirements" than the "Recommended" as far as hardware, but Civ V was playable in Mavericks.

Just now fired it up in DP5 and my frame rate hasn't been "decimated" compared to Mavericks. I'd say it's about the same and playable in a pinch. It's still bad compared to my Windows gaming rig, however.

Maybe someone with more powerful graphics can chime in.
Smooth sailing

Everything is super smooth at 1680 x 1050 with everything set to High (except for Leader quality).

Late 2013 rMBP with 750M

It's actually smoother than I remember Mavericks to be, but I haven't played for a while!
I'm a fond player of Civ 5 by myself, but it works well on all of my machines. I have iMac 27 (late 2011), MBP 17 (late 2010), MBA 11 (late 2010), running on Yosemite public beta.
Eventually coreduetd settled down and frame rates improved (after a couple of restarts of the game). Still a bit of a mystery to what it does. Appears to be a new private framework.
I played a bit this morning, and granted I only got to turn 64, but it seemed to be running fine - possibly even smoother. This is on a 2012 Macbook Air with the 8GB ram upgrade.
I got my copy of Civ 5 through the App Store rather than Steam and have had no problems with it at all; in fact, it's playing better than on 10.9.
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