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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 31, 2011
Hey guys, anyone here playing CoC?
I started last week while my friends have been playing for months.
Its quite addicting. I tried searching for threads on this but doesn't seem like anyone has said anything, is it really not that popular?
Lets share some strategies and tactics, as well if anyone know anyway of cheatin this game, share! it so friggin time consuming!
Me im playing that game :) if you want clash of clans gems hack

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Is my friend SOL here?

He just spent $1,000 on gems and power leveled himself straight to TH 10. Everything else is basically level 1 or 2... and now he can't farm money to pay for everything because of the penalty of attacking lower town hall levels after TH7.

He contacted Supercell asking to be reset and of course they told him no... He is going to call iTunes and maybe his credit card company to protest.

It was stupid of him in the first place to spend that much money on this game, but to his credit, it is impossible to know that you are essentially ruining the game if you "pay" to be TH10. They do nothing to make you aware of this.
Is my friend SOL here?

He just spent $1,000 on gems and power leveled himself straight to TH 10. Everything else is basically level 1 or 2... and now he can't farm money to pay for everything because of the penalty of attacking lower town hall levels after TH7.

He contacted Supercell asking to be reset and of course they told him no... He is going to call iTunes and maybe his credit card company to protest.

It was stupid of him in the first place to spend that much money on this game, but to his credit, it is impossible to know that you are essentially ruining the game if you "pay" to be TH10. They do nothing to make you aware of this.

He spent $1000 real money?
I love this game, its a nice slow burner. Been playing for around 6 months maybe a bit less. Upgraded to TH8 last saturday!

I haven't spent any real life money on this game, you can farm gems by cutting down your shrubbery. I have 3 builders. Pic of my current base below.

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