This looks bad.
It may have been different sequence - something chewed up the 15GB and That caused Safari to crash... Difficult to say, these SSD supposedly behave poorly when they are over 80% full. No experience myself with that.
Depending on what Mac model you have you can try to mount it in target mode (if you have another compatible mac and appropriate cable). Check Apple for instructions, but basically it lets you mount your mac drive as external drive to another mac. IF the drive mounts, you can try to copy home folder to some other medium.
Apple gurus/phone support might help, but reports here are that their solution is (bit too often) wipe, install new copy of system, restore from backup... They automatically assume, that you have hourly backup (TimeMachine), which you obviously do not have.
If the mac has upgradable SSD (= you can remove it), you could try to extract it and use external enclosure on different mac and see, if it mounts there. In that case, as desperate move, you could remove the MacintoshHD, which would give you some breathing space on drive. Reinstall of system is always possible...
My personal experience with fixing the APFS structure has been poor. And there is big IF on mounting the drive. Disk utility clearly has issues.
Good luck, you will need it.