I was thinking about that, but considering how the fan is positioned, I think compressed air would just blow the dust in deeper into the hardware. Any better suggestions?
I was thinking about that, but considering how the fan is positioned, I think compressed air would just blow the dust in deeper into the hardware. Any better suggestions?
I just updated the ram in mine, and noticed how most of the holes on both the bottom and top of my iLamp were pretty much clogged w/ dust. I decided to take tweezers and pull out the dust hole-by hole. Some of it got pushed back down into the hardware, but most of that ended up getting blown back out of the top. I'm not too sure if what I did was kosher w/ official apple maintenence policy or whatnot, but the fan seems to come on less often so I guess it worked out ok. As far as compressed air, I had the same gut feelings about that as you. I don't wanna blow dust up into my hardware and short out something.