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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 27, 2006
Hello fellas. I'm just wondering how I can clean;

My keyboard - get all the dust and stuff out of all those deep cracks and just overall clean it

My mouse - clean out that scrollball cause' I read that after awhile the scrollball stops working good until you clean it out.

My screen - theres some fingerprints and what not from my little cousin on my iMac screen (his slobbery fingerprints to be exact) and I notice the screen on a Mac is made out of something different than most monitors, what can I used to clean this?

You can clean your screen, and you can do a superficial cleaning of your keyboard and the exterior of your mouse, with iKlear.

You can get it from the linked website or from your "local" Apple store. I'm sure other retailers stock it, too.
for the screen, if you have some lens/glasses cleaner, that should work just fine (it does for me) or you could use a combination of rubbing alcohol and water, both basically the same thing.
If I took a lightly damped cloth and gave it a little mist of Windex would that work for the screen?
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