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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 24, 2010
Right now I use my iPad with clear and the clearspot. When I use netflix I get constant stopping and buffering from time to Time.
Would it improve my streaming to change the router to the cradle point 900 with wireless n?

My router is always a foot or so from me.


It seems unlikely. But you haven't given us much information. Have you tried using the Clear service with a notebook or desktop computer using a wired connection to the WiMax router, or using a USB dongle WiMax device?

Without that information, it's really impossible to tell if the problem is the WiFi signal, the WiMax signal, or Clear's backbone capacity.

N might be helpful in one regard - IF you connect on the 5gHz band (not sure what their device supports) then you will experience less interference from neighbors, Bluetooth, microwave ovens, etc. But at a foot from the router, it's unlikely this is going to make a difference.

The additional speed of N is not going to make a hoot of difference, given the relatively low bandwidth available from Clear.
It has nothing to do with your router it your intnenet that is making it do that. I have used the netflixx app on b network and have no problems watch a movie.
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