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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 22, 2013
I shop at Amazon a lot and when I saw in the subject like that my Amazon order has been cancelled, I did without thinking clicked on the link and it opened 2 windows and lead me to what looks like a TMZ homepage on my iPhone using Safari. Should I be concerned? I cleared out my browsing history via Settings. Do I have to go as far as changing passwords?


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
I would do so to reduce the possiblity of people hacking into my account.
Also, clearing browsing history does not help much on removing the threat.
And, next time try to see the actual link before cliking into anything.


macrumors regular
Dec 27, 2006
I shop at Amazon a lot and when I saw in the subject like that my Amazon order has been cancelled, I did without thinking clicked on the link and it opened 2 windows and lead me to what looks like a TMZ homepage on my iPhone using Safari. Should I be concerned? I cleared out my browsing history via Settings. Do I have to go as far as changing passwords?
Dang, same thing happened to me on my laptop after I cancelled a amazon order. Although I never opened the email or clicked on the link, I just forwarded it to both amazon abuse and icloud spam and immediately changed my passwords.

Now I get 20 or more spam emails a day from these creeps; most the "from" addy's say xxxxx@ All get forwarded again.

I did go and change in my mail settings to not allow download content, set up rules for my junk folder and now they just go there.

Still a pain.

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
Always wise to not follow a URL in an email unless you are sure. Next time you get an email like that just delete it and go to the Amazon to see what is going on. The scammers are getting better and better.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 22, 2013
Do you want to make sure your account won't be hacked?
Which is why I'm asking. No need to sound condescending.
Did you supply your Apple ID and password? If so, definitely change the password. If you gave no information, then you should be ok.

I didn't supply anything. No information was exchanged as far as I know. But I don't know what happened in the background of it.
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macrumors regular
Dec 27, 2006
Which is why I'm asking. No need to sound condescending.

I didn't supply anything. No information was exchanged as far as I know. But I don't know what happened in the background of it.
Out of caution, I changed my amazon password and also removed my credit card immediately. Few days after I received a fraud text on that card from USAA. Seems someone in CA, I'm on East Coast, attempted to charge $960.00 at a clothing store.

I really wish amazon would give a 2-factor option.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 22, 2013


macrumors regular
Dec 27, 2006
Did this happen by clicking on an Amazon spam link? And Amazon does have 2-factor option.
No ... the emails came a couple of weeks after the fraud text.

What I found odd about this is I haven't purchased from amazon in over a year. Then when I did, and subsequently canceled that order, the fraud and emails started. Thankfully USAA canceled that card and issued a new one.

If amazon has a 2 factor option, I sure haven't found it on their website.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 22, 2013
No ... the emails came a couple of weeks after the fraud text.

What I found odd about this is I haven't purchased from amazon in over a year. Then when I did, and subsequently canceled that order, the fraud and emails started. Thankfully USAA canceled that card and issued a new one.

If amazon has a 2 factor option, I sure haven't found it on their website.
[doublepost=1497750380][/doublepost]It's on the link I provided:

It tells you to go to Advanced Security Settings. Or you can google Amazon 2-step
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