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macrumors 601
Original poster
May 29, 2005
I finally got OS X server for my server, an iBook G4 1.42GHz with a headless screen, as it was beaten to death by my step mom. If you're gonna comment on that, don't bother.

here's my problem, I can go through all the steps by typing in the information and then typing apple + } which is continue I guess, I found that out by pressing a million keys, but anyway i can't seem to find a way to click apply, the very last setting to start the server up. it's the starting mode like OS X to like make your account, etc.

I do not have a firewire cable on hand.

I can see what's on the screen by hooking up my mini-VGA to VGA adapter to a 17" CRT, but the iBook without getting to the system preferences will only go to a resolution that is only letting view half of the screen space.

I just need to get Apply so I can get into the system and then change the resolution



tried exposé - won't work, obviously... and i've tried apple Q but that quits the program then shutting down the computer.

the OS is installed.. it's just setting up the OS right after you install it..

No - it's the resolution that is the problem.

I just need a way to have Apply hit by either the mouse or the KB.

please, anyone, i'm desperate for help.
I know on regular OS X there's a key combo to skip that whole initial setup thing, if someone remembers it you could try it on the server version too, it'll probably work.
Assuming you can move the mouse can you try moving it up then down then to the left then right to find the edge? That might allow you to see the rest of the screen.I think..
lilstewart said:
I can see what's on the screen by hooking up my mini-VGA to VGA adapter to a 17" CRT, but the iBook without getting to the system preferences will only go to a resolution that is only letting view half of the screen space.

I just need to get Apply so I can get into the system and then change the resolution

Don't most monitors have a button that will let you center the image on the screen by moving the screen up, down, left, or right? If so, can you move the image on the screen to the right enough to see the button?
Have you tried installing the server management tools on another Mac and setting it up over the network? I've set up two Xserves without a monitor this way.

After the initial setup you'll have SSH and Apple Remote Desktop to work with.
No, it's a resolution the iBooks is outputting, the screen isn't the problem.

ITASOR, are you sure you can do this?

and networking it would be *so* much easier.. but HOW? :(
Sometimes the buttons in a dialog box are bound to keys...the first letter of the button's in your case A. Try pressing A or command+A.
Tried it - no go. I've almost tried every combination ever possible... :eek:

Looks like when I get to my Moms, where a FireWire cable is, I'll just boot it in Target Disk Mode and then select it as my HD on my iBook and set it up.

Gah. :rolleyes:
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