Please elaborate. Do we need to jailbreak?
Please elaborate. Do we need to jailbreak?
Is the 1.0 BETA in Cydia?
How do you copy and paste?
Has anyone else noticed that when you copy something from a webpage and then try to copy something else it will make safari crash everytime?
Or is this only happening to me??
Has anyone else noticed that when you copy something from a webpage and then try to copy something else it will make safari crash everytime?
Or is this only happening to me??
I was using hclipboard before, but this new update is amazing. I'm on clippy now.
How is this new clippy function different from the one we get with hclipboard? Is there any difference?
Happening to me too. Hopefully they'll fix it in 1.0.
that being said, I just disabled clippy because it was way too trigger-happy when scrolling through lists... you flick to scroll and it activates clippy. if they can sort that out, it would be perfect.