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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 11, 2008
Hi Guys,

First off, sorry for asking this if it is as simple as I think it should be..... I was trying really hard to not use the forums on my first app but my time has come.

Basically I have a database of locations and I am calculating the distance to them to organise them by relative closeness. When I do the CLLocationDistance.... command I get a float value returned in meters - e.g. 111125.113474. I want to convert this to KM (divide by 1000) but for the life of me can not work out how to do this!!!

CLLocationDistance distance = [objectLocation getDistanceFrom:currentLocation];
NSString *distanceString = [NSString stringWithFormat"@"%f", distance];

This code happily gives me a string with the value 111125.113474 but I cannot work out how to manipulate this string.

Thank you for your help!! ;)
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