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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 20, 2004
NYC & Baltimore
Hi, my cloned boot disk is having problems with Mail and Safari. In Safari, whenever I try to enter anything into a text field, it types a letter or two and then the spinning wheel comes up indefinitely. Mail launches invisibly. I tried trashing the prefereces and even cloned the disk again. Anyone have any suggestions?

p.s. Everything works fine when I boot from the internal HD and when i create a new admin account on the external boot disk.

How are you cloning the disk?

did you repair permissions in the cloned disk? if you don't clone right, permissions can be all sorts of messed up.

I'm also curious what method you used to do the "cloning".

I recently used the "Restore" tab of Panther's Disk Utility (which uses the 'asr' Apple Software Restore tool) to clone the 7 partitions of one 80 GB to another 80 GB. The end result left many files and folders on my user partition which were owned by root, and which I didn't have access to, until I fixed the permissions on them myself.

You can use the following AppleScript to check for any files in your home folder that have ownership that isn't your own. (Note, I'm using 'sudo'—that's what 'with administrator privileges' equates to—to be able to search inside of any root-owned folders that might ordinarily cause access denied errors.)

--Open this script in a new Script Editor window.

set sh_whoami_ to "whoami" as string
set short_username_ to (do shell script sh_whoami_) as string
set sh_find_ to "find ~ \\( \\! -user " & short_username_ & " \\) -exec ls -l {} \\;" as string
do shell script sh_find_ with administrator privileges

If you're using Panther, the link should open up in Script Editor, then just press the green "Play" button and enter your password when prompted.

Hope this helps....
[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]
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