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Original poster
Aug 10, 2010
macrumors apparently
Welcome to this week's photo contest fellow photography enthusiasts.

I am last week's 3rd place contestant, as Jkramerbob (1st) is unable to judge the next one, and Pmexperience (2nd) has not come forward as of yet.

So, a challenge is being set before you which hears to the name : The Eadweard Muybridge Galore

Muybridge was a 19th century English photographer who came to realize that motion pictures could be achieved via consecutive still frames. His most known work is the 'Horse in Motion'.

Bad news are, most probably you won't have 12 consecutive shots and you will have to consider about what you are going to do prior to releasing the shutter in burst mode. Good news are, this contest comes with a prize for everyone. I will personally animate all your frames in gif and post them here after the announcement of the winners.

In order to have a homogeneous outcome, I have created a placeholder grid for everyone to use. Please do not cross over the black lines. If anyone needs assistance with photoshop to place the images, I 'll be more than happy to help you. Just email me your numbered stills at, I will place them in for you and send the final file back to you for submission. If your photos are too big, send them to me via wetranfer. Be aware of the time restraints since some extra work is required for this particular contest.

Most of the usual rules apply.

-Please do not comment on photos until after the judging has taken place.
-The contest runs for exactly one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread)
-At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)
-The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)
-For previous contests, check the sticky thread in the photography subforum.

I urge your creative skills to take on the challenge. If and when inspiration knocks on the door, time can always be allocated.

Good luck!


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    The Eadward Muybridge Galore_placeholder.jpg
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This has to be probably the best contest ever. I am not a Photoshop user so I don't really understand ANY of this (other than it starts with a sequence of still shots). I have a sequence of photos in mind and I might be able to come up with them today (I begin traveling tomorrow) but my entry would be only for fun because as I said in the previous contest, I will have limited/no Internet access for the next couple weeks.

Thank-you again needfx for running this contest!!!
Interesting idea for a contest. I can't wait to see the entries.

Let's get the ball rolling with a nice springtime sequence of a duck doing a mating dance:

Drunk Monkey

Long exposures lit with a flashlight as a light source to get the dark background and a Lee BigStopper in front of the lens. Just experimenting with the filter, but decided this would be an interesting use of the experiment. Sepia toned, cropped and Gif'ed in PS because my shots were vertical, not horizontal.



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How big are your frames? I'm going to assume 200x300 pixels...


thanks for submitting, and sorry for not getting back to you in time, but since I live in Greece, there is a significant time difference.

for the placeholder I just copied this in illustrator and photoshop, and I finally resized it to the one I posted in order to keep it adequately light while not too big, nor too small.

Each frame measures 475x310 pixels in 300dpi, almost 4:3, off by 10 pixels, so I left as it was in order to get the contest going. Most horizontal pictures can fit nicely in there with a minor crop.
I hope I did this right. Very interesting idea for a contest so I had to try to enter something. This is me experimenting with a GoPro shooting stills on auto. Watching the top of my shiny head isn't my best photographic work but I guess it's "performance art". I wish I had time to really plan a new sequence but I have 3 states to be in in the next 2 weeks.


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Fly Fishing - Brookville Reservoir - Brookville, PA

I put these images together so that the last will organically flow back into the first.
I've added the animated version.


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The lesser spotted pink woodpecker

My effort for this week (with a little PS help from needfx).


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    The Eadward Muybridge Galore_AFB.jpg
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Thank you Oracle, Compuwar, JDDavis, Imac_Wannabe, Deep Diver, Apple Fanboy and Parkin Pig for your submissions!

That's definitely what I call a Flappy Bird and Dong Nguyen should consider a sequel : Ducks in Heat.
Flappy movement is evident in every frame, making it a rather fun sequence to look upon.
Hope the duck got lucky.

Poltergeist's scary monkey makes a comeback.
If I'd change anything, that would be the monkey coming more gradually into the foreground from being unseen in the background in the first frames, which would defitely add to the overall spookiness.
Eerie feeling was accomplished with your subject matter, ND filter and long exposure.
Is that monkey of drinking age?

It's Samara from The Ring!
Ok, you are not, but apparently I have a knack for making correlations with movies and such.
Both attempts are applauded (climbing that stone & guesstimated framing).

Fun use of a wide angle apparatus. I am willing to bet that you shot this with a gopro due to the extreme distortion, but I could be wrong.
I am also willing to bet that you lost a bet on a bet, wait, I'm lost. So, who won the reverse bomb dive contest?
Summer won't be long, hang in there.

Deep Diver
Good planning to make it look seamless when animated. That looks like a nice river to relax and flyfish!
If I'd handled the sequence any differently, that would be a tighter crop on the fisherman for a more prominent placement in the frames.
Trout season? Upriver?

Apple Fanboy
So, you went birding indoors... sounds improbable!
Entertaining thought coming in & out of the frame, background & subject selection help make the movement evident. A word of caution would be not to leave automatic settings (shutter, aperture or iso) as difference in exposure is evident in the 2nd line.

Parkin Pig
That definitely looks likes a DUI case..!
Good thing you were there to catch the action in a probably neck-nerve wrecking manner. Were you constantly following the subject zoomed in or did you just crop these? Are those taken on a 300mm lens? At what shutter speed? Blades is frozen in time.

'nuff said

3rd Place - Oracle1729
2nd Place - Parkin Pig
1st Place - Apple Fanboy

Criteria by which winners were chosen was subject selection and it's clarity of motion across the frames. Subject size & colour contrast with the backgrounds has been a crucial factor.

Thanks again for your time and submissions, AFB, you're up!


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What can I say I'm truly shocked. Let me have a think for the next one.

Well done everybody, and well done needfx for coming up with an original idea for the competition. I'll try my best to come up with something as original.


Looping helicopter at the Red Bull Air Race in London a while back

I thought Airwolf was the only helicopter that could do a loop the loop!

(Unless you are over a certain age, that will be totally lost on you!)
Parkin Pig
That definitely looks likes a DUI case..!
Good thing you were there to catch the action in a probably neck-nerve wrecking manner. Were you constantly following the subject zoomed in or did you just crop these? Are those taken on a 300mm lens? At what shutter speed? Blades is frozen in time.

They were taken with my EOS 20D (still got it, and still a great camera). 28-300 L-series lens @ 280mm (448mm equivalent), 1/2000 shutter speed. I cropped them for this contest just to fill the frames - looks a bit odd when animated I must admit.

I thought Airwolf was the only helicopter that could do a loop the loop!
(Unless you are over a certain age, that will be totally lost on you!)

I'm definitely over a certain age :) and congrats on your winning entry - look forward to the next one.
I thought Airwolf was the only helicopter that could do a loop the loop!

(Unless you are over a certain age, that will be totally lost on you!)

The first helicopter loop ever recorded was in 1949 in a Sikorsky S-52. I recall seeing one at an airshow somewhere between the mid-70's and early '80s- I think a Lynx or Gazelle at a USAF base in the UK.

Next one is up

Kept it quite broad this week to get plenty of takers. Just hope the judging and critique is up to the challenge!


The first helicopter loop ever recorded was in 1949 in a Sikorsky S-52. I recall seeing one at an airshow somewhere between the mid-70's and early '80s- I think a Lynx or Gazelle at a USAF base in the UK.


No only Airwolf could do it. But only with the theme tune playing in the background, and when being followed by enemy aircraft!
needfx -- Great theme. I would like to see more challenges like this. I understand what you are saying about the framing, and I did play with it. In the end, I wanted to maintain a sense of the beauty of the larger place. Also, the movement of the trees was a second "Muybridge moment." The "planning" was not that hard. I only had to look through 150-175 shoots to find the right series of 12.

Apple fanboy -- I really like what you did. It was my first choice as well.
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