There's always a bit of a gap. The problem that's worrying me about my MBP is that recently it's been very close in the middle but not at the edges, implying that the screen is bent, and it's getting worse :/
There's always a bit of a gap. The problem that's worrying me about my MBP is that recently it's been very close in the middle but not at the edges, implying that the screen is bent, and it's getting worse :/
aluminum is (unfortunately) inherently pliable. i've noticed the same problem with my 15" powerbook. if you're careful, it's pretty easy to bend the top corners of the screen down to make the top more flush with the rest of the machine when the lid is closed. just don't break the lcd.
Nope. Don't store your vegetables in there and expect them to not wilt. Sorry.
Doesn't the MBP have stand-offs at the top left and right corners of the screen like the PB and iBook, to make sure the screen doesn't mash up into the keys? I think this will be the limiting factor. If the screen came down farther, then it would be much easier to break it. It shouldn't be air-tight, but the gap should be fairly even all the way around the edges.