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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 29, 2008
Just last week i had an issue where my battery drained itself in about 4hours while in standby.. phone was hot etc.. Well the problem seemed to have been Im+ and that it was running in the background or something (phone is not jailbroken) because as soon as i removed the app it was fine.

Today i downloaded the "2012" game tried it out, hit the home button to close, checked my phone about hour or so later and battery was half gone.. I also noticed my usage time was saying 2:15hr and there is no way i used the phone for that long cause i am at work...

Now my question is, is there some sort of program that you can see what process is running and close them for good? Like Task Manager in windows.

Because i dont know why but for some reason this is the second time a APP did not close for me when i hit the home button..

EDIT: I just checked my usage again and since last time it was at 2:15hr now its at 2:34hr... And the phone was in standby since i left it

Any input?
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No. And one of the big things about the iphone is that there are no background apps. It is possible, though, that use of these programs are so resource intensive that when they ARE actively open and running they utilize so much battery power that it significantly impacts your battery life.
Unless I'm very much mistaken, the home button forces the app to close and shouldn't lead to any extra battery drain from that app.
Unless I'm very much mistaken, the home button forces the app to close and shouldn't lead to any extra battery drain from that app.

That's what's supposed to happen, but obviously computers can mess up.

Re-installing the offending app should hopefully fix it. If not, a phone restore might be in order.
Well something is going on. Explain to me why my battery drained itself in 4hours while in standby? And the phone was hot in the back? Due to some process running..

Same thing is now its not hot in the back, but something is running. Why is my usage time increasing? Its at 2:53hr now...

I just dont understand whats going on with this phone.. its starting to piss me off
do a restore as suggested and see if the same thing keeps happening after that.
FreeMemory. I highly recommend that app. I use it a few times a day to clear up all the memory that these apps leave running after they close. You can see what processes are running also. As far as your extreme example though, I think you might need to bring it to Apple because your's isn't a small memory leak, that is a major memory leak.
And the phone was hot in the back? Due to some process running..

It can also be something that's supposed to be running in the background: E-Mail

My wife's phone had some flaw in the OS that caused it to restart the network connection every 10-15 seconds. When that happened, Exchange would re-check the server. So her e-mail was checking about 300 times an hour which had a pretty negative effect on her battery.

She had to reformat the phone fresh and NOT from a backup, as the backup contained the corupt file. Once she did that, it's been fine.

EDIT: She learned all that from the Apple store's diagnostic program. You should make an appointment, they can probably tell you exactly what's going on.
do a restore as suggested and see if the same thing keeps happening after that.

When you say restore? As in lose all my settings and everything?

It can also be something that's supposed to be running in the background: E-Mail

My wife's phone had some flaw in the OS that caused it to restart the network connection every 10-15 seconds. When that happened, Exchange would re-check the server. So her e-mail was checking about 300 times an hour which had a pretty negative effect on her battery.

She had to reformat the phone fresh and NOT from a backup, as the backup contained the corupt file. Once she did that, it's been fine.

EDIT: She learned all that from the Apple store's diagnostic program. You should make an appointment, they can probably tell you exactly what's going on.

I dont have a apple store around me...
FreeMemory. I highly recommend that app. I use it a few times a day to clear up all the memory that these apps leave running after they close. You can see what processes are running also. As far as your extreme example though, I think you might need to bring it to Apple because your's isn't a small memory leak, that is a major memory leak.

Better than that, I reccomend its sister App, System Activity Monitor, which contains Free Memory within it. it costs a couple of bucks, but I like it a lot better and also use it a few times a day. It has more built in utilities, including the ability to see what is running.

I got MemorySweet because it was free to check it out. I freed 15mb and i also turned the phone off and back on..

Right now my usage is at 3:14hr and my standby is about 5:30hr...
I just put the phone to standby and im gonna check to see if the usage goes up..

Id like to know whats going on tho this is the second time something like this has happend to me, only this time is not bad because the phone is not hot like it was last time.
As other people have said, you should do a complete wipe and restore. Yes, you will lose your settings, but you should not lose game scores, etc. It can't take more than 10 minutes to go through settings and put everything back the way you had it. Sounds like you've already spent far longer than that agonizing over this.
What about the phone numbers in my phone? I imported them from my sim card but then i had to change stuff around as the formatting was all messed from my old sony phone.. And i dont see a option now to save my contacts to the sim..

EDIT: Just checked my usage.. and its still at 3:15hr after 20min+.. So i guess its fixed again. Also at first i had 2mb free.. then when I cleared it using MemorySweep i got about 17mb.. Now i checked again and there is 36mb free.

Could someone please maybe explain to me what could be causing this? As im very tempted to call Apple and get a replacement. I do not have a lot of applications on here like 10 tops?
3.0/3.0.1 issue because there is a bug that causes apps not to quit and run in the background, thus draining your battery.
Well lets hope that 3.1 fixes it..

The phone is running fine now again. But im very tempted to just call apple and do some complaining and get a new phone.. wondering if it would change anything or perhaps if it is a phone issue..
The first "Power Saving Tip" in the iPhone Battery Guide and Charging Tips thread says
Always go to the home screen before putting your iPhone in standby mode. If you are running an App and hit the Sleep/Wake button to turn the screen off, the application will still be running in the background and can severely drain your battery.​
I was surprised to read that, since I had previously assumed that apps were inactive in standby mode, but now I assume that this tip is true.
IM+ is buggy at the moment. As is 3.0 actually.

It probably filled your RAM and didn't clear it properly.

Also, apps that stay running are: Safari, Mail and iPod.
What about the phone numbers in my phone? I imported them from my sim card but then i had to change stuff around as the formatting was all messed from my old sony phone.. And i dont see a option now to save my contacts to the sim..

if you still want to back up your contacts you can do this with a gmail account. if you already have one you can choose to merge your phone and email contacts (if you delete the email contacts from your phone after the sync it leaves them intact in gmail but stops them syncing to your phone). if you dont have a gmail account just create one and set itunes to sync contacts with it and it will dump them in to it.
Also, others say it doesn't make a difference but I'm still sticking to my philosophy that it does. Close out all your web pages in Safari before you close it down. Since Safari does run in the background, if you have a few full size web sites open, it can really chew through your memory. Supposedly it doesn't use up much more battery, but without a doubt it's using up a large amount of your memory. Even if it doesn't fix your problem, it's a good thing to follow especially if you are on the 2g or 3g, because it will keep your phone moving faster.
if you still want to back up your contacts you can do this with a gmail account. if you already have one you can choose to merge your phone and email contacts (if you delete the email contacts from your phone after the sync it leaves them intact in gmail but stops them syncing to your phone). if you dont have a gmail account just create one and set itunes to sync contacts with it and it will dump them in to it.

Dont quite understand what your saying there. I never saw a option in itunes to sync anything with gmail...

Also, others say it doesn't make a difference but I'm still sticking to my philosophy that it does. Close out all your web pages in Safari before you close it down. Since Safari does run in the background, if you have a few full size web sites open, it can really chew through your memory. Supposedly it doesn't use up much more battery, but without a doubt it's using up a large amount of your memory. Even if it doesn't fix your problem, it's a good thing to follow especially if you are on the 2g or 3g, because it will keep your phone moving faster.

Funny thing you mention that is that yesterday when i had this issue with the phone, thats running fine now. There was a webpage actually open in safari that i went to to get a wallpaper for the iphone. I dont know ifs just coincidence as to what happend to me because of the web page or not, but im make sure to close webpages in safarai now...
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