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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 21, 2011
Just curious what everyone is using these days on Android for storing photos in the cloud. Dropbox? Google+? Something else? How did you choose? Thanks!
I use Dropbox it works great for sharing photos but I do not keep them on there long term, storage prices for Dropbox are a bit high. But for long term photo back up I also upload all my photos to a paid Flickr account once a month, it is way cheaper than Dropbox considering I have about 30 gb of pictures and it is part of my back up strategy.
Dropbox is great because every photo I take is instantly uploaded to it. Whenever I return to my Desktop, my photos are waiting for me. Perfect!
Dropbox works very well for me - available on all my devices, and I got 50GB free (for 24 months) when I bought my Galaxy S3 last year :)
I have Box, DropBox, SkyDrive, and Google Drive all set up in one folder, then Flickr too. So if you add my Apple Cloud storage, I've got like 35 GB of free cloud photo storage, right? Not bad.


Google Drive, because I got a "free" 100gb plan for 2 years thanks to my chrome book.

I use this app for auto upload:

Works for me. :D

I bought my Chromebook "open box" at Best Buy, so I missed the free Google Drive storage, but I did get the 12 Go-Go flight passes!
Skydrive was dog slow for uploads when I tried using it last year. Have they improved that?

It is alright for me. My upload speeds suck though anyways so may be I am not aware (majority of uploading done at home/work).
Drop-box is better choice to save and store any thing you want and their is less chance to loss your data and any other thread.
SkyDrive is simply the best for photo viewing.

Dropbox is terrible, they even took away the thumbnail view mode from it.
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