for nsurlssessiond, there's another discussion,
on this thread.
Not sure if this process is related to iPhotos, cloudphotod, both discussed in this thread. But it could, as
other threads are discussing the connection between that and iCloud photos.
The whole situation is somehow strange, Mac acting like this. My approach, still not a verified solution, was to completely remove whole iPhotos System library, and to get rid of all cached files, and start iPhotos from scratch. So since deleting
~/Pictures/Photos\ Library.photoslibrary
was NOT enough, I've deleted all files in Library/Containers/ starting with com.apple.photo*. And it helped, if not permanently, then at least for a while now.
So to recreate iPhotos lib from scratch, all of it should be remove. If you want to do so (make TimeMachine backup at least before), you can delete it with "rm" command, which is short for "remove", the "-rf" options are f - force, r - recursive into directories (so delete everything inside directories and then the directory itself).
rm -fr ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.photo*
Beware, using rm, your "Bin" is not used, and the operation is permanent and non-reversible.
Good luck, make sure you do your backups, and only do so if you know that you need to re-create iPhotos library.