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Orlando Furioso

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005
The Bay Area (SF) has been getting plenty of showers recently. I took some cloud shots a couple weeks ago while the heavens were having a water break. It was a particularly cloudy day but I managed to get the bashful sun peaking through.

Anywho, I just revisited the images. Thought I'd share (although I only exposed one so far; contrast tweaked in post).

Comments, questions, and suggestions welcome.


Orlando Furioso

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005
mcmadhatter, the shot was taken with a Canon 20D equiped with a 50mm lens using these settings:

ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/320 at f/10

These are probably not the best settings (as I'm just learning), but I liked the results.

liketom, I can send you a 1536x1024 image via AIM if you'd it is OK with you. You can crop it to your liking.

I'm glad you both liked the pic. =)
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