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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 21, 2006
So early August rolled around, and I decided to hit up my "local" Apple store (about 45 minutes away) to find a case for my MB. I called first, and they said they had the InCase in stock. Well, after driving all the way out there, they tell me there are no 13.3" versions available, even though that's what I specified over the phone.

So, that night, I order it on It must of been backordered, because it wasn't to ship for over two weeks! It was supposed to ship on Monday, but I assumed it would ship earlier then that. Sure enough, I was right. It departed the FedEx location in Sacremento at 4:57 AM THURSDAY morning.

Now granted, it did ship "early", and I did only do 3-5 day shipping. But it should be here by now. If you count Thur, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tues, you have 5 days, the MAX the shipping should take. That's not counting Sunday processing or all of today. I expect to see it tommorrow, or I may have some choice words for Apple.

/end rant.
Shipping times are usually in business days, not calendar days, unless you specifically request overnight or weekend delivery. So Saturday and Sunday don't count, and 3 - 5 days can take a full week to reach you.

tilman said:
Shipping times are usually in business days, not calendar days, unless you specifically request overnight or weekend delivery. So Saturday and Sunday don't count, and 3 - 5 days can take a full week to reach you.


Then any time after 4:57 in the morning, it's late. I suppose I'm not really all that mad about the shipping time specifically, but more how long it has taken me to get a case. It's not like I was trying to buy a case the day the MB came out. I bought my MB towards the end of July, and started hunting for a case. Everywhere online was sold out. I called the Apple store, was told they had it, then wasted 3 hours of my day after finding out they infact did not have it. Then ordering online, and paying more money than I would of in-store (due to shipping). Then having to wait almost a month to get it. Ugh.

EDIT: After reading iGary's response, I guess I should state I'm not terribly angry. So far, all of my experiences with Apple have been great. I love my MB, and I think their store is pretty helpful. I'm not mad really, just kinda bothered. It has just taken a really long time to get a case. Now, if my MB were to discolor or break like in some reports, then I might go *******.
Not to sound unsympathetic, but if thats the least of your apple gripes then you're pretty lucky. I was expecting another MB/MBP horror story.
mini.boss said:
Not to sound unsympathetic, but if thats the least of your apple gripes then you're pretty lucky. I was expecting another MB/MBP horror story.

Oh yes, I agree I'm pretty lucky if this is my only complaint.

I'm sure it'll all be fine. I'll probably get my case tommorrow, and I'll be able to rest easy. Sorry, I wasn't trying to b**ch, I was just curious if these shipping times were normal. I guess they are.
I hate FedEx for dropping my packages at my door inspite of having written in BOLD letters not to do so on my door.

Just google for "I hate FedEX", you will find that FedEx is one of the most hated courier services around!
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