First of all, Merry Christmas.
I am making my first steps in Cocoa Networking, and I am trying to figure out distributed objects. I have the Cocoa Programming book, and I have found a simple example of distributed objects.
The task is simple. The DOTest is a simple server. The DOTestClient is a client that connects to this server. Multiple clients can connect to the server. So, these clients can chat with each other, provided that they are connected to the server. I give you the original example (client and server), from the book, that works perfectly.
I tried to make the client on my own. I made the EXACT SAME things, and I have the exact same code, only that... nothing happens! I also give you the client that I made following the example. My client does not even execute the code that resides in the -applicationDidFinishLaunching function. I have set the file as delegate of the first responder. I would be grateful if anyone has a look at it and finds out what's wrong. I am obviously missing something.
Can anyone tell me why my client doesn't work, since it has the same code and the same IB outlet connections as the example set by the book?
I am making my first steps in Cocoa Networking, and I am trying to figure out distributed objects. I have the Cocoa Programming book, and I have found a simple example of distributed objects.
The task is simple. The DOTest is a simple server. The DOTestClient is a client that connects to this server. Multiple clients can connect to the server. So, these clients can chat with each other, provided that they are connected to the server. I give you the original example (client and server), from the book, that works perfectly.
I tried to make the client on my own. I made the EXACT SAME things, and I have the exact same code, only that... nothing happens! I also give you the client that I made following the example. My client does not even execute the code that resides in the -applicationDidFinishLaunching function. I have set the file as delegate of the first responder. I would be grateful if anyone has a look at it and finds out what's wrong. I am obviously missing something.
Can anyone tell me why my client doesn't work, since it has the same code and the same IB outlet connections as the example set by the book?