king_leonidas said:
Thanks newb...
Allow me to state the obvious.
First, use proper grammar as it shows some level of professionalism and education.
Second the use of "expanding" is a bit of a stretch...Expansion usually means that your idea is taking off such that you have customers coming out of the wazoo, but if this were the case...why no money or stated incentive?....hmmm. This is usually why people take out SBA loans, apply for grants, or find VC funding. If they are convinced that the idea will make money, they pay for the development up front and reap the rewards.
Third, the email address is a gmail account which usually means that this is far from an established company and will need a lot of marketing to sell whatever the software is. Marketing = money. Good programmers = money. Success usually = money.
Finally, this isn't the first post of someone looking for goodwill programmers, and probably won't be the last. A small task is one thing such as help with homework, quick widget change, or quick question, but product development for free is whole new ball game.
For these reasons and many others, i wish the OP good luck. The idea may be great, but asking people to code for free isn't going to attract a lot of good talent.
See this thread as an example.