I love programming in Cocoa/Obj-C, but whenevber I want to program a web app, I find myself forced away from it because it has no server-side web framework, such as Rails, Django, Struts (yuck), PHP, etc. You know, a framework that keeps track of cookies, sessions, URL handling, user authentication, database access, binding page views and controls to objects, etc. Now there used to be WebObjects, which is pretty much what I'm talking about, but Apple has abandoned that. They unfortunately chose Java at the wrong time, as it was declining and showing its bloat and cruft in the face of newer, leaner frameworks that were built from the start with the WWW in mind instead of desktop apps (I count Java here because even though applets were envisioned for browser use, they were still stuck more in the desktop app paradigm). Will WebObjects ever be revived for Objective-C, or will some new framework ever fill the void it left?