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I dislike this style

if (user.isHappy) {
//Do something
else {
//Do something else

And prefer this way (with tab replaced into 3 space)

if (user.isHappy) 
   //Do something
   //Do something else
I've drawn some inspiration from Robots & Pencils' style guide.

I'm pretty much conform with that one. But when I started Objective-C I saw most init methods returning "id". Not "instancetype". Is that something that developed as a standard later? Also, I've seen code where they return the Class. Like so:
-(MyCoolClass *)init
  return self;
I'm pretty much conform with that one. But when I started Objective-C I saw most init methods returning "id". Not "instancetype". Is that something that developed as a standard later? Also, I've seen code where they return the Class. Like so:
-(MyCoolClass *)init
  return self;

Take a look on Apple's page on Adapting Modern Objective-C:

instancetype is the more preferred way these days.
Yes, maybe my question was a little bit vague, but thank you guys for answers and links. And maybe its a holywar question, but why you using tabs (or spaces), what advantages has each approach?
If you use spaces and open a file in a different editor the layout remain as it should be; in case tab is replaced with space.
Sometimes when I open a XCode file In Textwrangler it just looks awful.
I prefer this: :eek:
char*_ = "'""/*";
#include <stdio.h>
#define m 21
#define o(l, k) for(l=0; l<k; l++)
#define n(k) o(T, k)

              int E,L,O,R,G[42][m],h[2][42][m],g[3][8],c
              [42][42][2],f[42]; char d[42]; void v( int
              b,int a,int j){ printf("\33[%d;%df\33[4%d"
              "m  ",a,b,j); } void u(){ int T,e; n(42)o(
              e,m)if(h[0][T][e]-h[1][T][e]){ v(e+4+e,T+2
              ,h[0][T][e]+1?h[0][T][e]:0); h[1][T][e]=h[
              0][T][e]; } fflush(stdout); } void q(int l
                            ,int k,int p){
                            int T,e,a; L=0
                            ; O=1; while(O
                            ){ n(4&&L){ e=
                            k+c[l] [T][0];
e]=-1; } n(4){                                          e=k+c[l][T][0]; a=L+c[l][T][
1]+1; if(a==42                                          || h[0][a][p?20-e:e]+1){ O=0
; } } n(4){ e=                                          k+c[l][T][0]; h[0][L + c[l][
T][1]][p?20-e:                                          e]=g[1][f[p?19+l:l]]; } L++;
u(); } n(42) {                                          o(e,m)if(h[0][T][e]<0)break;
o(a, m&&e==m){                                          for(L=T; L; L--) { h[0][L][a
]=h[0][L-1] [a                                          ]; } h[0][0][a]=-1; } } u();
}int main(){ int T,e,t,r,i,s              ,D,V,K; printf("\33[2J\33[?25l"); n(8)g[i=
1][T]=7-T; R--; n(42) o(e,m)              G[T][e]--; while(fgets(d,42,stdin)) { r=++
R; n(17){ e=d[T]-48; d[T]=0;              if ((e&7)==e) { g[0][e] ++; G[R][T+2]=e; }
} } n(8)if(g[0][7-T]){ t=g[i              ][O]; g[i][O++]=g[i][T]; g[i][T]=t; } n(8)
g[2][g[i][T]]=T; n(R+i)o(e,m              )if(G[T][e]+i) G[T][e]=g[2][G[T][e]]; n(19
)o(t,2){ f[T+t+T]=(T["+%#,4"              "5>GP9$5-,#C?NX"]-35)>>t*3&7; o(e,4){ c[T]
[e][t]=("5'<$=$8)Ih$=h9i8'9"              "t=)83)l4(99(g9>##>4(" [T+t+T]-35)>>e*2&3;
} } n(15) { s=T>9?m:(T&3)-3?15:36;o(e,s)o(t,2)c[T+19][e][t]="6*6,8*6.608.6264826668\
6466686:8/8380/7844,4-4*4+4(0())69+;/0626466686:818582/9864.4/4,4-4*4+4(0())+;" [e+E
+e+t]-40; E+=s+s; } n(45){ if(T>i) { v(2,T,7); v(46,T,7); } v(2+T,44,7); } T=0; o(e,
42)o(t,m)h[T][e][t]--; while(R+i) { s = D=0; if (r-R) { n(19) if (G[R+i][T]+i) V=T/2
; else if(G[R][T]+i) s++; if(s) { if(V>4){ V=9-V; D++; } V+=29; n(20) q(c[V][T][0],c
[V][T][i],D); } } n(19) if((L=G[R][T])+i) { O=T-L; e=O>9; t=e?18-O :O; o(K,((t&3)-3?
16:37)){ if(K){ L=c[t+19][K-i][0]; O=c[t+19][K-i][i] ; } q(L,O,K && e); } } if(s) q(
c[V][20][0], c[V][20][i], D); R--; } printf("\33[47;1f\33[?25h\33[40m"); return 0; }
Given what the code looked like, I assumed some kind of Tetris. I compiled it and that's what it seems to do, but it didn't work properly on my Linux box with my terminal emulator.
Given what the code looked like, I assumed some kind of Tetris. I compiled it and that's what it seems to do, but it didn't work properly on my Linux box with my terminal emulator.

That's actually pretty awesome that it would be a Tetris... but I'd hate to be the new-hire that had to maintain the code :D

Maybe Google will use that in their hiring exam.
I dislike this style

if (user.isHappy) {
//Do something
else {
//Do something else

And prefer this way (with tab replaced into 3 space)

if (user.isHappy) 
   //Do something
   //Do something else

I thought I was the only one left that prefers this. I cannot stand { following on the same line. It must be on a new line. I have tried to adapt and I just can't do it.
I'd correct the above by saying "all people who are really passionate about something".
Be it programming, construction, painting, singing, etc. It's all about the attitude...

I think you're right. I just read about this and how these kind of people aren't recognized as good managers/leaders because they aren't as outgoing, yet they are some of the best decision makers.

One thing I notice is that great programmers can stay focused for long periods of time, whereas most regular people can't pay attention for more than a sound bite and search for the quickest answer.

Actually pretty interesting video about this.
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