I've tried to make this relationship work once before with the iPad Air and the Apple Wireless Keyboard but it didn't work out because I felt kind of self conscious about the noise the keyboard made (it was also a pain to carry and I still can't figure out how to turn it off) and the overall awkwardness of not having a mouse. It always made me feel somewhat restrained and my iPad only made me miss my MacBook more instead of making my life easier by being a smaller, lighter and longer lasting battery device.
Since iOS7 and the 1st gen iPad Air many things got definitely better here and there, but are you actually able to take notes with decent speed with the pen or is it just a gimmick for us and a great tool for graphic designers?
I'm planning to flat out use Noteability's voice recording feature and write a note here and there to reference what I'm listening to and then full on transcribe everything I found interesting in text. I have several professors that talk way too fast and are okay with tablets but totally hate how a laptop blocks a student's view.
Is it worth the 750$ expense? Should I go 12.9 if I want to take notes?
Since iOS7 and the 1st gen iPad Air many things got definitely better here and there, but are you actually able to take notes with decent speed with the pen or is it just a gimmick for us and a great tool for graphic designers?
I'm planning to flat out use Noteability's voice recording feature and write a note here and there to reference what I'm listening to and then full on transcribe everything I found interesting in text. I have several professors that talk way too fast and are okay with tablets but totally hate how a laptop blocks a student's view.
Is it worth the 750$ expense? Should I go 12.9 if I want to take notes?