I read a couple of years ago that DCI-P3 will replace sRGB in the next following years.
Is sRGB "dead" so to speak?
I was checking my camera and it's kind of new but doesn't have any option for DCI-P3, just Adobe (1998) and sRGB.
Anyone knows why?
Should I go all sRGB (even thou my monitor and photo editing software is set to DCI-P3)
Does it matter?
Yes, the choice of colour space does matter, and a lot!
First things first: You have to understand that in Digital production you have two different scenarios: The productive one
and the consumer one.
In productivity you must use the wider colour space available in all your devices. That's because in the capture of the image you will provide a full gamut for your editor to squeeze all the image's potential.
Regarding Colour Spaces, consider Adobe RGB as it's by far the most comprehensive one out there.
Just to be clear, P3 is not a colour space, it's a colour profile. A colour profile is a device colour profile, that is insert in a colour space. For instance, if your device can capture ARGB images (devices uses colour profiles), you will edit it in ARGB Colour Space, viewing it on a P3 able display. The colour space is the base for the entire system.
Regarding to the consumer scenario you have to mind what's the most probable usage of the image. If your consumer is, for instance, a high grade video editor give him a wide colour profile. But if your consumer is someone that you don't know, use a small one and keep the safe side.
My personal options are:
Camera: Adobe RGB
Edition Software: Adobe RGB
Display: Calibrated on ARGB
Output for professionals: Adobe RGB
Output for others: sRGB