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macrumors G3
Original poster
Nov 26, 2007
My app displays a colored list of city names. If the user's current location is one of the cities, I'd like the location symbol to be displayed in the same color as the city name, to the left of the city name.

Two questions:
1 - What would be the best way of coloring the location symbol? Does it happen to be a typable character that I can just change the color of just like text, or should I draw and fill a path in a drawRect method?
2 - Would Apple allow this, or would they reject the app on the basis of me somehow misusing a symbol?
Need more details. Are you talking about an MKMapView?

I'm referring to the arrowhead symbol that points up and to the right. It's used in the status bar to indicate your GPS is on (or it's outlined if it's just using a geofence.) It's used in the settings page for current location as well as in the weather app (the page icon for your current location uses the symbol, instead of a dot like the other pages. It also appears in the weather list view next to your current location.)

I'm talking about placing the symbol in a list, like Apple does in the weather app list view, but with colors other than the grayscale or purple they always show it in.
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