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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2006
Anyone know of a way I can combine 2 sms.db files into one file and put it on my iPhone?

I have a file that I dumped from a jailbroken iPhone running FW2.0 - and then I restored to a non-jailbroken 2.0 phone. Since then I have had text messages. I would like to combine these into one file.


Yes, it's possible but you have to know some SQL. I could probably do it for you if you don't mind sending me the files.
Yes, it's possible but you have to know some SQL. I could probably do it for you if you don't mind sending me the files.

Could you not write a script or something that would do it for me? Or a guide?

There might be sensitive stuff in there that I have forgotton bout. I know I don't know you and the likely hood of there being anything in there that you could use is low - but :D

I haven't actually done it, but I know SQL so it can't be that difficult. Let me look around and see if I can find something that can help you out.

Someone has sent me a php script that he says :

have attached the script. I hadnt the time to make it clean, so its a really ugly php script now. :)

I have used PHP 5.2.6 and with activated SQLLite Extensions.
Put the script with the sms.db and smsold.db in the folder. All sms will be merged to the sms.db.
Which means you are advised to make a backup! :)

He sent me a php file - I have tried running this through terminal using php filename command - it does something but the new sms.db is smaller than the two file sizes combined (smaller than the largest of the 2 dbs im trying to merge) and when uploaded to the phone causes SMS app to just crash back to the springboard.
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