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Original poster
Jul 18, 2013
I have the 2015 retina MBP with all updates. I can normally connect my Apple ethernet adapter to the lightning port and connecting a cable to my AEBS,

My CenturyLink DSL service went down Friday and they are coming to fix it tomorrow. I think I'll cancel it after this month though.

I got tired of waiting and got Comcast internet activated last night. I still had my old modem from a few years ago and connected it and all is well. When I try and connect the cable from the Comcast modem to my MBP using the ethernet to thunderbolt adapter, in the network settings, i turns yellow and says self assigned IP and so the internet never connects.

My Comcast modem also fails to work correctly with AEBS. The AEBS is seriously old, from 2008 so I have a feeling that buying a new model will work. None of the settings I have found online from others who had the same problem have worked.

Anyone how how I can fix this?

I mainly care about the thunderbolt problem now. I can always call Apple and get support since I am still within my 90 days.

I should also point out that the modem connects correctly through ethernet on my 2012 MBP.
Each time you change devices (like swapping from the Extreme to the TB adaptor) you will need to unplug and reboot the cable modem. So attach the TB adaptor and ethernet cable then reboot the cable modem and see if that works.

No reason a 2008 Extreme would not still work.

Are you positive the cable modem is activated and working?
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Each time you change devices (like swapping from the Extreme to the TB adaptor) you will need to unplug and reboot the cable modem. So attach the TB adaptor and ethernet cable then reboot the cable modem and see if that works.

No reason a 2008 Extreme would not still work.

Are you positive the cable modem is activated and working?
Yes, the modem works. I was using it all night while connected to the ethernet port on the 2012 MBP.

So I rebooted the modem and while it was rebooting, I connceted it to the AEBS. When the modem is done rebooting, the light on the AEBS starts flashung amber and the warning after connecting an ethernet cable from the AEBS warns that I have no internet.

It does work correctly after rebooting when connecing the modem directly to the thunderbolt connector so that problem is solved.

I just can't get the AEBS to work.
Connect ethernet between the cable modem and the Extreme. Then unplug both... then plug them both in and see if that works.

I'm not clear form your sentence above if you rebooted the cable modem after connecting it to the Extreme again.
Connect ethernet between the cable modem and the Extreme. Then unplug both... then plug them both in and see if that works.

I'm not clear form your sentence above if you rebooted the cable modem after connecting it to the Extreme again.
I tried this and had no luck. Airport utility tells me there is no DNS and the WiFi icon on my MBP says no internet.
I think we can just ignore this now.

When I activated my service on Tuesday, I ordered the self install kit. I didn't want the modem because I already have my old Comcast modem. In the shipping email they just sent, it looks like they are sending a wireless "gateway" as they call it so I may as well just accept it and move on.
I got my Comcast modem today. It's nice to be free of my old AEBS because I had to connect using ethernet to get my old ISPs full speeds. With the new Comcast modem, I can get full WiFi speeds on all my Macs, ATV and smart TVs. The only devices I have that don't get the full speeds of course are my iPhone and iPad. My Note 4 and Note Edge get the full speeds. Apple needs to step it up.
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