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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 11, 2008
Running 10.11.4 I have mysterious bugg in osx.

From one to twelve hours afther rebooting there is a process that runns crazy and eating up all my memory.

Tracked it to be CommCenter, seem to bee a system process

This started to occur afthe uppgrading to 11.4, pretty annoyng that the OS puts upp a dialog "Out of memory, Quit some apps" and I see that the memory thats released from the app CommCenter eats it.

The only solution I found is a reboot.

Killing CommCenter don't help much (launcd restart it and it seem to inherrit the killed process crazy behaviour)

Any one got a clue ?

Reinstalled elcap a couple of times, but nogo


Cognitive Bokföring
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macrumors regular
Oct 21, 2010
England, United Kingdom
Try the following:

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Enter the following:

    find "${HOME}/Library/"{Containers,Preferences,SyncedPreferences} -iname "*commcenter*" -exec mv "{}" "{}~disabled" \;
  3. Restart your Mac.
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